Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Monthly Wrap-Up: March & April 2012 
11th September 2012 20:08
March was Daily Deviant's sixth birthday! Our members had three options for celebrating:

1. to create fic or art based in some way on any previous work(s) posted to the comm in its six year history
2. to team up with other members for kinky collaborations
3. to create fic or art based on characters and prompts chosen blindly from a "mystery" list (the mods might have been feeling a bit sadistic on this one...)

Works Based on Previous Pieces

FIC: Rematch (Severus/Sirius) by [info]celandineb
FIC: Double the Pleasure (Draco/Blaise/Hermione, Ron/Astoria/Pansy) by [info]alisanne
ART: Proof (Dolores, Rita) by [info]didodikali
FIC: Just As It Should Be (Harry/Ron/Hermione) by [info]miss_morland
FIC: Penance (Minerva/Severus) by [info]centaury_squill


FIC: Pet Trouble (Harry/Draco, Ginny/Pansy) by [info]elfflame & [info]kabal42
FIC: Ungentlemanly Behavior (Tom/Minerva) by [info]pre_raphaelite1 & [info]thegildedmagpie
FIC: Sunday Nights At the Burrow (Molly/Arthur, Harry/Draco, Bill/Fleur, Charlie/Kingsley, Ron/Ginny, Fred/George/Angelina, Percy/his hand) by [info]torino10154 & [info]sdk

Works Using Blindly Chosen Characters and Prompts
FIC: The Skin We Live In (Voldemort/Bellatrix Lestrange) by [info]da_angel729
FIC: Birthday Boys (Harry/Neville) by [info]madeyemax
FIC: The Best Cure (Draco/Hermione) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Forty-Flavour Kisses (Harry/Neville, George/Pansy, Snape/Lupin) by [info]kinkykneazle
FIC: A Matter of Trust (Lucius/Harry) by [info]leela_cat

The themes for April 2012 were:

1. agrexophilia (arousal from knowing one might be overheard)
2. lubricant
3. mummification (full-body binding/restriction)
4. podophilia (foot fetish!)
- with alternate pairing: Harry Potter/Kingsley Shacklebolt


FIC: Interesting Times (Harry/Ron) by [info]celandineb
FIC: Sunday Dinner (Severus/Harry) by [info]alisanne
FIC: A Game of Hide-and-Seek (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]torino10154
FIC: Behind the Curtain (Draco/Pansy) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Lone Wolf (Remus/Hermione) by [info]lunalovepotter
FIC: Auror Assessments (Harry/Severus) by [info]centaury_squill
FIC: Living Out Loud (Marietta/Cho) by [info]songquake
FIC: Lunch Date (Kingsley/Draco) by [info]gypsyflame
FIC: Harry and the Minister (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]kinky_kneazle


FIC: Interesting Times (Harry/Ron) by [info]celandineb
FIC: A Slippery Situation (Snape/Lupin) by [info]islandsmoke
FIC: A Game of Hide-and-Seek (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]torino10154
FIC: Auror Assessments (Harry/Severus) by [info]centaury_squill
ART: Dripping (Remus) by [info]wallflowergirl
FIC: Lunch Date (Kingsley/Draco) by [info]gypsyflame


FIC: A Game of Hide-and-Seek (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]torino10154


ART: All the way home (Kingsley, Harry) by [info]didodikali
FIC: Feet on the Ground (Filius Flitwick, other Hogwarts staff) by [info]kelly_chambliss
FIC: Synergy: Sounds Like Sin and Orgy (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: Lone Wolf (Remus/Hermione) by [info]lunalovepotter
FIC: Shoe Shop Shenanigans (Augusta Longbottom) by [info]pale_moonlight

Alternate Pairing

ART: All the way home (Kingsley, Harry) by [info]didodikali
FIC: Extracurricular (Kingsley/Harry) by [info]elfflame
FIC: A Game of Hide-and-Seek (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]torino10154
FIC: Synergy: Sounds Like Sin and Orgy (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: Harry and the Minister (Harry/Kingsley) by [info]kinky_kneazle

Let me know if I've missed anything/messed anything up!
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