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- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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11th September 2012 20:04 - Monthly Wrap-Up: January & February 2012
In January, everything old was new again. Members were challenged to use any previous prompt(s) from 2011 that they had not previously used.

FIC: Game and Match (Draco/Ginny) by [info]alisanne
ART: Practical Lesson with Professor Lupin (Remus/Ginny) by [info]its_art
FIC: Viridian 3: A Waiting Game (Harry/Draco) by [info]elfflame
FIC: The Greatest Magic (Merope/Tom) by [info]miss_morland
FIC: Kid's Away, Wife Will Play (Astoria/Draco) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Revelation (Teddy/Astoria, Draco/Astoria/Teddy (Teddy/Victoire implied) by [info]torino10154
FIC: The Observation (Ginny/unknown, implied Teddy/Victoire) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
FIC: A Matched Pair (Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Pansy, Ron/Pansy) by [info]woldy
ART: Call Me Mudblood (Hermione/Bellatrix) by [info]thilia
FIC: Artifacts (Tom Riddle) by [info]thegildedmagpie
FIC: I Never Wanted To Tell You (Draco/Hermione) by [info]rilla_licious
FIC: The Impression of Promise (Regulus/Lucius/Rabastan) by [info]entrenous88
FIC: The Collar (Albus Severus, Harry, implied past Sirius/Harry, Harry/Ginny) by [info]sdk
FIC: Altered (Snape/Hermione) by [info]songquake
ART: Authority (Kingsley/Hermione) by [info]osmalic
FIC: Word Games (Lucius/Narcissa/Snape) by [info]inamac

The themes for February 2012 were:

1. biting
2. female ejaculation
3. hair pulling
4. ceraunophilia: arousal by thunder and lightning/storms
- with alternate pairing: Garrick Ollivander/Millicent Bulstrode


FIC: Embracing Power (Severus, Eileen, Lucius; Lucius/Severus) by [info]celandineb
FIC: When Lightning Strikes (Severus/Harry) by [info]alisanne
FIC: I Want To Wake Up With The Rain (Garrick Ollivander/Millicent Bulstrode) by [info]roozetter
ART: Ensnared (Or Snape Love Big Butts and He Cannot Lie) (Severus Snape/Surprise Character) by [info]phoenixacid
FIC: I'll Make You Mine (Rodolphus/Draco) by [info]elfflame
FIC: Ride Out the Storm (Charlie/Draco) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: The Old Married Couple (Draco/Asteria Malfoy) by [info]lunalovepotter
FIC: Careful (Remus/Ron) by [info]entrenous88
ART: To the Bone (Severus/Sirius) by [info]akatnamedeaster
FIC: Marked (Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, Teddy/Albus Severus Potter, Teddy/Fred Weasley II/Hugo Weasley, Teddy/Louis Weasley, Teddy/Bill) by [info]lilmisblack
ART: Worse than his bark? (Remus/Sirius) by [info]wallflowergirl

Female Ejaculation

FIC: I Want To Wake Up With The Rain (Garrick Ollivander/Millicent Bulstrode) by [info]roozetter
FIC: A Crackle of Bravery (Neville/Lavender) by [info]silvernatasha

Hair Pulling

FIC: Mastery Over Him (Severus/Sirius) by [info]sabethea
FIC: When Lightning Strikes (Severus/Harry) by [info]alisanne
ART: Creative Destruction (Ron/Parvati) by [info]didodokali
FIC: I Want To Wake Up With The Rain (Garrick Ollivander/Millicent Bulstrode) by [info]roozetter
FIC: A Crackle of Bravery (Neville/Lavender) by [info]silvernatasha
FIC: She's a Lady (Draco/Hermione) by [info]torino10154
FIC: The Pride of Gryffindor (Draco/Hermione) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Ride Out the Storm (Charlie/Draco) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: The Old Married Couple (Draco/Asteria Malfoy) by [info]lunalovepotter
FIC: Wild Ride (Harry/Charlie) by [info]centaury_squill
ART: Pulling pigtails (Padma/Parvarti) by [info]ships_harry


FIC: Embracing Power (Severus, Eileen, Lucius; Lucius/Severus) by [info]celandineb
FIC: When Lightning Strikes (Severus/Harry) by [info]alisanne
FIC: And the night shall be filled with music... (Lucius/Narcissa) by [info]islandsmoke
FIC: I Want To Wake Up With The Rain (Garrick Ollivander/Millicent Bulstrode) by [info]roozetter
FIC: A Crackle of Bravery (Neville/Lavender Brown) by [info]silvernatasha
FIC: Tasting the Tempest (Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank) by [info]kelly_chambliss
FIC: Ride Out the Storm (Charlie/Draco) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: Wild Ride (Harry/Charlie) by [info]centaury_squill
FIC: Charity (Severus/Albus Dumbledore) by [info]purplefluffycat
FIC: Close As He Can Get (Harry/Draco) by [info]mindabbles
FIC: Through Nights of Storm and Darkness (Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout, Minerva McGonagall/Tom Riddle) by [info]pale_moonlight

Alternate Pairing

FIC: I Want To Wake Up With The Rain (Garrick Ollivander/Millicent Bulstrode) by [info]roozetter

Let me know if I've missed anything/messed anything up!
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