Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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26th April 2011 18:03 - Art: Days were Golden, R, NWS
Title: Days were Golden
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: Photoshop, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Ron/Ginny/Bill, Charlie/Percy/George, and no doubt many variations.
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Mainly for the Bad Porn theme hillbilly (or pureblood??) incest romp, but I also like to think there's a dash of hapless character accidentally finds him/herself in the middle of a debauched situation and ends up joining in (Percy), and nervous virgin asks someone to instruct them in preparation for their wedding night (Ginny... although I don't see her as the nervous type, and I bet she deflowered Harry aaaages ago :) )
Other Warnings: Incest. Lots of incest.
Artist's Notes: Title's from an Elbow song about nostalgia for youth (Lippy Kids). (Yes, George is bringing the mood down a bit, poor lad; he can't help it.) Thanks to the mods for letting me post a bit early! Will be in airports most of my regular day :).
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