Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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30th September 2010 15:09 - ART: Charlie/Tonks, R, "Search for the Golden Snatch"
Title: Search for the Golden Snatch
Artist: [info]eloquent_toast
Media: PS and graphics tablet
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Tonks
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: First time, Sex on the Quidditch stands?
Other Warnings: Het? Public!sex (ish)
Artist's Notes: I played this month, despite having only been back from a 6 week digging hiatus. I asked ragdoll for prompties and she said charlie/tonks behind the quidditch stands. I am afraid they ended up ON the (magically enchanted to not need beams of wood to hold them up LOL) bleachers... IDEAL FOR CUNNILINGUS, NO!?!? Anyway, thank you mods! I love you! And thank you so very very much for inviting me to play - I am honoured to be working with such talented and awesome people!!!

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