Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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3rd August 2010 19:13 - Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2010
The themes for May 2010 were:

1. androids
2. festivals
3. menstrual taboo (a period of separation or the like during menstruation)
4. pyrophilia
- with alternate pairing Lee Jordan/Seamus Finnigan


ART: WWW's Dream Dolls (Snape, Lupin, Harry, Ron, and Draco dolls) by [info]serpenscript
FIC: Made for the Moment (Snape/Harry) by [info]entrenous88
FIC: A Tangled Web (Sirius, James, Remus, Peter, Severus, Other Severus) by [info]eeyore9990
FIC: The Mechanism of Confession (Severus/Narcissa) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
FIC: Game, Set, and… Checkmate (Harry/Bill) by [info]leela_cat


FIC: Maypole Magic (Lee/Seamus) by [info]alisanne
FIC: On One Night (Hugo/Albus, Hugo/Various) by [info]nolagal
FIC: The Revels of Venice (?/Draco) by [info]elfflame
ART: WWW's Dream Dolls (Snape, Lupin, Harry, Ron, and Draco dolls) by [info]serpenscript
FIC: On the Alter (Draco/Hermione) by [info]ldymusyc
FIC: Rites of Spring (Neville/Ginny) by [info]coffee_n_cocoa
FIC: Wrong But Wromantic (Harry/Draco) by [info]inamac

Menstrual Taboo

FIC: The Last Thing (Voldemort/Bellatrix/Narcissa) by [info]thegildedmagpie


FIC: Wildfyre (Charlie) by [info]unbroken_halo
FIC: Spite Like a Spark (Harry/Pansy) by [info]snegurochka_lee
FIC: On One Night (Hugo/Albus, Hugo/Various) by [info]nolagal
ART: Fire Dance (Katie/Angelina) by [info]zephre
FIC: Ablaze (Sirius/James) by [info]madeyemax
ART: More interested in dragons (Charlie/dragon) by [info]osmalic
ART: Charlie's more interested in dragons (Charlie) by [info]emzlovesharry
FIC: Absolutely Scorching (Bill/Harry, Charlie) by [info]luvscharlie

Alternate Pairing

FIC: Maypole Magic (Lee/Seamus) by [info]alisanne
ART: Lee and Seamus (Lee/Seamus) by [info]didodikali

Let me know if I've missed anything or messed anything up!
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