Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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9th March 2008 00:29 - Art, 'Get it all Down', March '08, Snape/Lily, NC 17 (NWS!)
Title: Get it all Down
Artist: [info]blackcoyote
Rating: NC 17 (Graphic frontal female nudity, NOT WORK-SAFE unless you work in a sex shop or something like that)
Characters/Pairing/s: Snape/Lily (unrequited)
Theme/Kink: March 2008, Yoni worship: The ritual* worship of the vagina (*I realised when I re-checked after finishing that I'd forgotten about the 'ritual' part - though what Snape is doing could still be called a primitive & informal sort of time-honoured hetero male ritual ;)
Warnings: BIG jpg file, Graphic frontal female nudity, Crudely drawn female figure, Implied het, Major Angst Emo, Implied Horny Emo Angry young man thoughts. I really mean it about the emo.
Summary: Snape puts his feelings down on parchment the night before James & Lily's wedding. Snape & Lily are over 18 in this image (I included a date :).

Disclaimer: The characters & setting in this image belong to J.K.Rowling & associated publishers and media, not me; no money is being made from this image & copyright infringement is intended. This scenario is a derivative work that may depart from the original author's intent, this image is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to promote or condone any illegal acts.

Done in ArtRage2 & Photoshop
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