Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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9th February 2008 00:14 - Art, Mock Marriages, NC 17+, Lockhart, "You May Kiss The Groom"
Title: You May Kiss The Groom
Artist: [info]blackcoyote
Media: Artline Pen, Photoshop2
Characters: Lockhart/Lockhart, Rita Skeeter (as bystander)
Compliant to: All the books.
Rating: NC 17+ for graphic nudity, Implied Sexual Situation (NWS!)
Warnings: Implied m/m narcissistic pairing, Graphic frontal male nudity, Sex-scene, Implied voyeurism, crudely sketched 6-pack abs.
Theme/kink: February 08 - Mock Marriages

Summary: It turned out that using the Mirror of Erised in Gilderoy's therapy had some unexpected side-effects, but in the end St. Mungo's decided it was probably best to go along with the wishes of their most famous patient. In the name of therapy, of course...
Notes: Drawn for the [info]daily_deviant February 08 - Mock Marriages Theme.
Disclaimer: The characters & settings in this picture (c) J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers. This artist recognises that this image and scenario is a derivative work that may depart from the original Canon and/or the original Author's creative intent.

(re-uploaded & relinked from a spare livejournal account due to bandwisth issues, original link from my weblogimages accounts here & here)
Sorry once again for being late - rl has been getting extra busy lately :P

[ETA] I've used a spare LJ to host the pic, so it should be more viewable now
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