


We are now in the epilogue stage of #CW. Please post any logs (backdated or otherwise) as well as epilogues at your convenience. We’re excited to see what the future holds for all our characters!

We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone for their time, creativity and all of the work you’ve put into this game. We’ve enjoyed reading all the highs and lows the game and your characters have had to offer as well as seeing everyone branch out and work together to get things done. One of our goals for this game was to have a major portion of the plot be player-run and for that to help boost the collaborative aspects of the game. We’re all very pleased to say that on that front, this game has been a success. We could not have done this without each and every one of you, including those who aren’t here to close the game out with us. We wish you all the best and we hope that we’ll all have a chance to play together in the future!

And looking to the future, we recognize there are things about #CW that worked and things that didn’t. We’re hoping to open another game a few months from now and while we all have many ideas of how we can improve upon our work here as mods, we have always valued your opinions and input, which have been crucial tools to help us steer the game forward. We want to continue doing the best job we can to facilitate rp that offers people an opportunity to explore and develop characters in a vibrant and imaginative game world.

We’d really love if you would take a few minutes to complete this end of game survey to let us know what you loved and what you weren’t so fond of. What worked and what didn’t? What did we do well and where can we improve? Your feedback is, as always, very appreciated. 💕



Hi guys! Hestia v. Leslie and Agnes v. Gavin have been added to the battle.

Thank you so much for a really amazing final battle, everyone! <3 You guys are all really amazing writers and we are all really lucky to have written with each other.



Hi folks!

For the finale here this Friday Ellis is going to be on site as a reporter for the WWN once the news agencies realize something is GOING. DOWN. So that only works if I actually have a clue what she's witnessing here so I can get something up for all the characters not present to know about! The idea is that it'll go up shortly after the battle logs.

If you have anything that would be extremely noticeable outside the old Potter house, or your character is going to be around after the battle and want Ellis to report on it (so and so is injured, Death Eater X is in chains and has a tentacle for an arm) please let me know.

Comments are screened, but I'm also available on AIM/via e-mail if you have any questions. Thanks everyone!



Hey everyone!

We can't remember if we made this clear already, but just so everyone is on the same page — there will be anti-apparition wards up on the Potter house where the final battle takes place to prevent people from leaving. They'll be able to apparate in but won't be able to apparate out.

And as another reminder: the deadline for these logs is 11:59PM on January 26th!

Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any more questions!



Hello everyone!

We’ve just finished sending out the pairings for the final battle. If you volunteered and haven’t gotten an email from us, please let us know! Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

The deadline for these will be 11:59 PM on January 26th!



Hi guys!

We have a few reminders/announcements:
  • Please don’t forget to fill out this post by tomorrow night! We’re really hoping to get pairings out by Saturday.
  • Be sure to let us know if your character is getting arrested or killed! Please also let us know if you intend to write them off some other way. We'd still like to keep track of everyone!
  • It’s come up a few times so we wanted to really quickly say that we might not be able to guarantee two person battle pairings because we’re so short on Death Eaters/Dark Army members. We’ll do our best though!
  • If you haven’t yet, can you please confirm your placements on this first list? The holds page is also something we’re hoping to get updated this weekend!



Hello all!

We’re looking for battle volunteers tonight! Our last post was just to get a sense of Death Eater numbers and because of that post we’ve decided to include Dark Army volunteers in this battle.

Our plan for the battle on the 27th so far is: Someone is going to tip Voldemort off to the whereabouts of Harry Potter. This tip will lead the Death Eaters to a house in Godric’s Hollow where the Order with help from the DMLE will have laid a trap for them. Six holograms of Harry Potter will be spread out across the first floor rooms and Order members and DMLE officers will be laying in wait. One room will also have Lily, which will prompt a Death Eater to summon Voldemort.

This is very much a trap and we don’t anticipate the Order or the DMLE making it easy for Death Eaters to get away.

We would also like to coordinate a media response ahead of time and are looking for volunteers to write some form of media detailing what happened in Godric’s Hollow so we can make sure everyone knows. We don’t anticipate them being involved in the actual battle, but if you can think of a scenario that would put them in Godric’s Hollow, please let us know!

Please fill out the following surveys for each character you’d like to volunteer:



Comments are screened! Please fill this out by Friday night at the latest!



Hi guys!

After reading your comments, we’ll be going with the 27th for the final battle. Thank you for your input there!

Today we have another question! With the end of the game approaching, we’re starting to run a little low on Death Eaters. So we were wondering who would be around for the final battle. Right now it’s looking to be a pretty large scale trap, which we’ll definitely give more information about as it comes together, so the Death Eaters will most likely be outnumbered and we’d like to have all hands on deck for this. We’re flexible and open to helping figure out ways to use this event to give your DE storylines a satisfying end!

Comments are screened!



The DE retaliation pairings have been sent out and the fight is on! For everyone involved, please post these at your leisure (though before the final battle would be best!). If your log will require DMLE response, please make sure to give them a heads up so they can get a jump on coordinating a response. If there's a Dark Mark involved (and this would greatly please ringside VIP Lord Voldemort), please consider letting someone in the media know so they can report on if they'd like!

This will apply to all other altercations as well! Thank you, everyone!



Hi again everyone!

We wanted to make sure everyone’s on the same page so there’s a few lists we’d like to run by you to make sure we have the correct information.
  • The first list is of everyone’s positions and can be found here. We compiled this from the IC promotions that’ve gone out and the post we posted a while ago asking who’d be returning to the Ministry. There are definitely some names missing from this list so let us know if your character is returning to their job now that the Death Eaters have been forced back into hiding.

  • The second list is a list of people the DMLE would like to bring in for questioning or are issuing arrest warrants for and can be found here under the Persons of Interest heading. Let us know if your character is in the wrong category or is missing entirely! Also, this list went out IC too, but since it’s not set in stone OOCly please be willing to handwave!



Hello everyone!

Thank you for your feedback in the last post. We know it’s hard to find a date that works for everyone, so we’re doing a poll based on your comments! Please let us know which of these two options you'd prefer:
1. Final battle on the 25th/Game end on the 31st.
2. Final battle on the 27th/Game end on the 31st.
Please remember, we will be leaving the comm up for epilogue logs for the month of February!

ALSO, there will be a few more posts about the battle over the next few days so apologies in advance for all the mod posts!



Hi everyone!

First: since IJ was down most of the day Monday and we forgot to post a reminder yesterday, we're giving people a few extra hours to volunteer for DE retaliation pairings on this post. We're still accepting all volunteers, but we'd like some more DEs in particular! At 9PM EST we'll start sending out pairings!

Next, thank you for all your amazing work in December! We're nearing the end of the game and we'd like to get information out quickly so we can plan everything, but we want to get everyone's input!

So we have some proposed dates (please let us know if these work for you)!
  • FINAL BATTLE: We'd like the final battle to take place on the 25th. (Please bear in mind that we'll need at least two weeks to complete the process of surveying/planning/pairing/writing.)
  • PLAYING US OUT: We'd like to take from the 25th - 31st to wrap up storylines/make any final arrests/etc.
  • EPILOGUES: On the end date, all game play will stop. We'll leave the IC comm open for the month of February for people to post epilogues if they'd like.



Hi everyone!

The new Ministry is now underway and for the month of January (or until the Dark Lord's death), Tinworth will experience a string of terrible misfortune. Sinkholes, earthquakes, acid rain, meteor strikes will all befall the town. And for the moment, the dementors have them surrounded (get 'em, Critters!). Anyone who was present there at the stroke of midnight will be cursed with bad luck for the duration of 2017.

On a completely different note, if you'd like to be randomly assigned a log for DE retaliation this month, please comment here by tomorrow night and we'll get everyone paired up!



Hello, friends.

Under the cut, you'll find post-Ministry Retakeover death, maiming (perm injury), or incarceration Bingo.

SO! In order to create the list, I only took the names of all PCs who were not slated to die during the retakover. Anything that happens from the end of the retakover to the end of the game is fair game.

The rules are simple. If, after all by the end of the game, if you have a BINGO, you win! We'll also include permanent injuries and anyone who goes directly to jail and does not collect $200 on this to increase chances that somebody will actually get a Bingo. If more than one person gets a Bingo, the one with the most deaths in their line wins.

What do you win?

Bragging rights.

Thank you to Megtoo who did most of the hard work on this

BINGO card stuff under the cut. )

May the odds be ever in your favor.



Hi everyone!

We hope you've had safe and wonderful holidays so far! As we're making progress on our logs and moving closer to the due date (11:59PM on DEC 29), we'd like to start thinking about the basics of what will happen and change in the first couple weeks of the new Ministry's integration. We've added a couple points from the Obliviators based on conversations we've had with those players just to give us an example of a way we could get started. If you'd like to splinter off to have slightly more focused discussions and then use this post to keep track of major actions/changes/priorities, that would be great! We'll put comment headers below so any character intending to go back to work in the listed departments can comment to make sure they're on any email chain that goes out or use this post to brainstorm!


Thanks everyone and happy plotting!!



Hi everyone!

Hope you're all having a safe and happy holiday! Just a small note that I will be on a trip and without internet from the 26-31st. Small possibility of checking emails here and there, so if there is anything that would best! Sorry if that causes any issues. Excited to read the battle logs!

xo Jill (Abel, Beth, Broderick)



Hey everyone! We’d like to start out by thanking you all for your thoughts, contributions and patience as we work out the details for the end of this month and the transition into the last of the game. We’re really pleased and proud that we’ve been able to come to a conclusive decision on this together and we hope this will ultimately be the best solution for all of us moving forward. If you do have any questions or concerns though, please remember we’re always available by email and we’ll do our best to address everything!

To reiterate: The battle will happen on December 30, 2016.
Logs are due by 11:59PM December 29!

Cut for length! )

With only a little over a month left, our hope is to focus on helping one another achieve any character goals before the end of the game. If there is anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to email us. Thank you again for bearing with us, everyone!



Hey guys! Thank you all for your input on the last post. We really appreciate hearing everyone’s perspective and getting new ideas. We’ve all put in so much time and effort to this game and we want everyone to have an ending they’re happy with. Yesterday, most people seemed in favor of moving the battle to after Christmas. Since we know a lot of people will also be busy on the 26th and we really want everyone to get to enjoy their holidays, we’ve decided to move the re-takeover to the 30th. The deadline to submit logs 11:59PM on the 29TH.

Of the suggestions we proposed yesterday, we think the DMLE deputizing the Order in some fashion is what people seemed most interested in. However, we’re concerned this won’t work for a large number of Order characters who wouldn’t want to be affiliated with the Ministry. If this is still a solution people would like to pursue, we can work toward figuring out details about it and possibly making it work!

But we also have an alternative idea that we’d like to float by everyone, which will involve a major change to the timeline we originally posted and a major change to our plans involving the Ministry: Cut for length! )

Our case for this compromise: One of our concerns about introducing a new Ministry at this time is losing momentum right before the end of the game. We’d love to see this next month be a build up to a finale and with such a short period of time left, we think this option simplifies things a great deal and prevents us from having to hash out too many details or introduce too many changes at this stage.

Please let us know what you think!



Hi everyone! We have a lot of logistical things to figure out in the next week or so. We hope you’re all having a great and festive month!

Cut for length! )

If you have any thoughts on these or have any of your own ideas for solutions, please feel free to share your thoughts! Our only bottom line is that the Order will continue to exist and move forward with their projects — this will help determine how, exactly, they’re going to do that and how we can make it make sense for everyone.

This post is not screened. We may have a number of different opinions here but the point is to be able to discuss it, so please remember to be respectful of each other! If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts here, please email us with them!



Hello! Jumping on the NPC gravy train, I (Hayley) bring to you this moron. Stephen "Stevie" Meyer, Hufflepuff '14, lackadaisical burnout and the furred variety of Dark Army member. I was planning on apping a DA goon earlier but November was not a good month healthwise. There's (slightly) more about him here, but essentially he's cannon fodder for your DA needs and that you are welcome to kill off ^^



Hi guys! In light of the high stakes involved in the ending arc of this game, we just wanted to post a quick reminder to please be conscious of your fellow players and their feelings. Please communicate with one another and make sure that you do not carry OOC conflict IC or vice versa. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us.



So I'm not sure who all is in the DMLE still these days but Natalya will be polyjuicing as Finn for a few days, so he can be all "idk I didn't nearly die must be someone else >>" So whoever is there can have fun with that!



Last call for volunteers on this post!



Oh hey guys! Adding my name to the chorus of NPCers! Maryam Nott, sister of Tamar, ambitious healer at St. Mungos and the most extraordinarily charming Death Eater. She's a little more rambunctious than her sister, a little easier with her conversation, and certainly much more dramatic. Death Eaters will know her as a a driven ally, with a fierce desire to make it into the Inner Circle, often finding the younger crowd particularly insufferable. Mungo's crew know her to be a dedicated, gifted healer with a warm bedside manner, if a little impatient with the medi-witches.

Maryam was Slytherin '06, has a four year old son, and has positively flourished under this new regime. LET'S RUMBLE.

(this is nikki)



Hello again! Sorry for the mod post spam and thanks for bearing with us as we get all our ducks in a row!
  • A reminder to fill out this survey by TOMORROW NIGHT to volunteer for the Ministry battle! We don't want to leave anyone out who'd like to be involved so please don't forget!

  • With regards to this post: there are a few discussions in the comments! Is everyone up for a third round of feel good smoothies?

  • Don't forget to fill out this survey by DECEMBER 12TH so we can get a sense of where everyone is going to be post-battle!

Polyjuice sample pairings have all been sent out. Thank you everyone who volunteered! We did our best to include as many of you as we could. And speaking of polyjuice, if you're interested in having your vigilante use a polyjuice potion in the battle, please comment here by tomorrow night! Now that we know which DEs will be involved, we'd like to get those assigned before the battle pairings go out!

Thanks everyone!



Hello again!

To start us off, we've got a couple reminders!
  • If you have a DE whose identity is known to the Order or CAV and you'd like to volunteer them to be polyjuiced during the upcoming battle, please volunteer here by TONIGHT! We're going to try to get people matched up tomorrow for sample-finding!

  • Please fill out this survey to volunteer your character(s) for the Ministry battle by DECEMBER 9TH so we can get everything organized and sent out as soon as possible! We'll be sending out a few emails in the next day or so to clarify some details in the responses we've already received.

  • Please give this post another look over! There's a few things in there we'd still love some input on!

The purpose of this post is to get a sense of where people see their characters in the post re-acquisition world! For vigilantes, we have some ideas about who to tap for which open Ministry positions will be available, but we'd like to hear from you where you'd ideally see your characters! For DEs, will your characters be in hiding? For those who have maintained covers, will they be staying in the Ministry/out in the open? For Ministry characters who have continued working through the regime change, we think there could potentially be investigations/trials/probations and things along those lines, but we'd like to hear your ideas before we get the ball rolling on anything!

Please fill this out by DECEMBER 12TH so we have time to send out emails and get the conversation about the new Ministry/new DE arrangements started.

Comments are screened. Thanks everyone!!



Hi! So in a throwback to the beginning of the game, the Death Eaters are doing a few teambuilding activities and one of them is going to be "torment the muggleborn." The way it's going to work is the DEs are going to be divided into teams and each team is going to be assigned someone and whichever team comes up with the most creative idea gets a present. Think low-grade mayhem: Prudence and the case of the severed head, or the very beginning of Evan and Jonah tormenting Nico, not dead relatives.

But we need volunteers! If you're willing and able to have a team of Death Eaters use your character's misfortune to bond in the next week, please comment! We're looking mostly for muggleborns, but because so many people have gone underground we'll also take anyone who likes to speak out against the DEs.

ALSO for the Death Eaters - we're doing Death Eater secret santa. ICly everyone is going to be made to participate, but I know OOCly some people don't like fake gift shopping so I thought I'd do signups and assign the people who want to participate to each other and everyone else can just handwave. So if you want to do DE Secret Santa, comment here! (IC members and our new NPCs are welcome too!)

Comments are screened.



Hey all! Just a note that I'm gonna have to go on slowatus for a few days here - I normally check/post/reply to journals at work but I'm OVERLOADED this week and need an excuse to not open ij while I'm trying to get through it cause I'm an easily distracted person with little willpower SO.

I'll still be around evenings, but that's as per usual later than most being on PST, and any logs I'm in are still a go (or logs we discussed starting I STILL WANT THEM), just don't expect many journal replies until late for the next week or so (I'll be around for the Order/CAV meeting, no worries!) <3 Thanks lovelies, feel free to email me if you need an answer/reaction from one of my girls to something sooner rather than later!

~Megs (Amelia/Eiri)



Hi, guys! It's Jen and I'm going to be NPCing Alecto, your friendly neighborhood obliviator head. :D I need my memory refreshed on her game canon, but I'm down for pretty much anything. I believe she was '01 before? But I can make her a little younger if you want the pleasure of her in your dorm/school life. Basically she's a creepy purist grump with boundary issues! See: that thing with the owls. She didn't EAT them tho.



Hi! This is Michelle with another NPC Death Eater -- Diomedes Bulstrode, son of Bellona (nee Selwyn) Bulstrode, Diana's sister. So he's another of Diana's nephews, and he'd be a first cousin to Elsie/Marcus III/Daffy! He's from Slytherin Class of 06. Hi again, 06ers! Basically, Diomedes is a pretty terrible open purist. In school he was an aspiring musician who wrote a lot of songs with terribly bigoted lyrics as you can imagine. He made it big after graduation. He's since gotten a little more respectable in his music probably under the tutelage of his aunt to not be so obvious. He's a fairly competent, hot-blooded duelist, and hasn't been unmasked only due to sheer dumb luck but you're welcome to call him a Death Eater all you want. He's pretty passionate and can fly off the handle easy. He's the father of Millicent Bulstrode who is about a year and a half now give or take.

Edit: Connor nicely reminded me he's a first cousin to Kingsley, and the Burke girls as well. Hi family!



attn all order & cav folks!

After some discussion with the mod squad, we've settled on the 9th of December (this Friday) as a feasible date for the Order and the CAV to have their first face-to-face. There'll be an ooc/ic type post going up facilitate speedy discussion and reactions as identities are revealed, and there will be some wards announcing the meeting to the respective teams leading up to the event!

xx gia

ETA: to clarify! Minerva McG is going to post to the Order & public CAV before this, with some reveals obviously happening there, and then the meeting will follow for anyone whose identity is still secret.



Jumping off Rae's post below -- this is Connor with new NPC Seraphine Mulciber (née Nott), who will be reasonably similar to the version Chel played as a PC! An eerie ice sculpture of a woman who works in the Love Room as an Unspeakable, she's very pregnant with Garland's heir~*~ and therefore not on the front lines of the battle anymore. She's still doing research & development for the DEs, though, and healing in a pinch when the more dedicated healers aren't available. Her dad Alfred Nott is part of the Inner Circle and is a chauvinist prick who locks himself in his library most of the time. She was Slytherin '08.



Hi hi, this is Rae -- just briefly introducing NPC Marcus Flint III, Death Eater and finance bro. He is the younger brother to Elsie, older brother to Daffy, and shares their trollishness. He's Slytheirn '09 and formerly worked at Gringotts until he was let go for reasons that are unclear (fraud? insider trading? you decide!), and now he's throwing his weight around St Mungo's as the head of the billing department. He has an intense rivalry with Elsie, he's an average duelist, and he has a one year old son (Marcus IV) that he can barely keep track of. He's horrible. He's been here the whole time!! I'm quietly photoshopping him into all the group photos. Thank you!!




We're planning to assign this battle a little bit differently, based on a combination of rolls and how the polyjuice plot shakes out. With that in mind, we can't promise that everyone will have all of their requests filled but we'll absolutely do our best! We'll also be assigning everyone a prompt for their battle (ie. a setting, an obstacle, an NPC to include, etc.) that you can use or not use however you'd like!

NOTE: Since this battle takes place at the Ministry, we know it could be difficult to get civilians outside of the Ministry involved. If you'd like to volunteer them, please put them down and we'll do our best to help find a reason for them to be there!

Please fill out the following survey for each character you'd like to volunteer:

Comments are screened!



Hi everyone!

Firstly, thank you everyone who has given your input over the last couple days. While these have been difficult conversations to have, we feel we've come out of it with a much clearer picture of what we need to do for the remainder of the game and some things we as mods can work on to help alleviate confusion and stress. One more time, please don't hesitate to email us with plot ideas/concerns/suggestions. We take all this feedback to heart and are trying to be the best facilitators and mods we can be. For people who have already emailed us, thank you. We'll be sending out more replies tonight.

This is a large post because there's a lot of information we want to get out to everyone and discuss. It's tricky with so many of us sometimes to have open discussion without things becoming too unwieldy, which is why we've tried to periodically do surveys and feedback posts to check in with everyone. But we recognize there's a time and place for them and ultimately, we want everyone to be on the same page and pleased with their roles in the game.

Our job is to try to strike a balance between everyone's interests and we really appreciate the understanding that sometimes we can't fit everything in or we feel that we have to say no to some things for the sake of keeping the game's focus. We all enjoy being able to say yes to things or help tweak them much more than we like having to say no. This is your game as much as it is ours and our goal has always been to be as accommodating as we can while keeping things moving in the right direction for the game's narrative.

With that in mind... What to expect for December and January: the basics! )

There are a few medium-scale plots that may potentially take place between these points, but we'll keep everyone updated on those as we finalize the details.

On NPCs for the remainder. )

Thank you all for bearing with us through this post! Comments are open for discussion, but please be kind to each other. We love and appreciate you all and your input!



Hey guys!

After last night's discussion, we've decided to take the polyjuice plot in a different direction. What has already happened will not be retconned. The Order and CAV will attempt to brew the polyjuice and will discover the potion doesn't work with their samples. Sirius and Lou will report this back to their respective groups. In the meantime, they will be attempting to gain samples from living purists and DEs, ultimately to use in their retaking of the Ministry.

We would also like to take a moment to say that we appreciate the plot that everyone has brought to the table and your ongoing willingness to be flexible and compromise. At times, this has felt like it's gotten lost in the competitiveness between the two sides. We are all writing this game together and rely on each other to make compromises and be creative and have fun with our plots. We have been helping to steer this narrative for the last sixteen months and at times, it has been difficult to handle complaints about characters feeling dejected or powerless. We'd like to remind everyone that every character in this game has felt that way at some point. But the game's narrative would not exist without Death Eaters attempting to gain power. And it would not exist without vigilantes attempting to take it back. As the game reaches its final stages, we'd like to remind everyone that this game still requires cooperation, communication and empathy for each other.

You are all excellent writers and one of our main goals has been for this to be a player-driven, collaborative game, which we feel all of us as a group have achieved. At this point in the game, where stakes are high, we understand that everyone feels strongly about their characters' endings and what they want to achieve in the next two months. We hope all of it will be achievable in that span of time. If we can help you achieve it, please let us know!

Our current date for the re-takeover is December 23rd, which will leave a couple weeks to wrap up loose ends before we plan the finale. A post with more information will go up later today. As always, if you have questions or concerns, we are always available to you through email.

On this post, we'll be taking two types of volunteers: a) people who are willing to have their DE/purist characters polyjuiced in the re-takeover, and b) vigilantes who would like to be involved in tracking down the samples. We'll use common sense to assign people who seem most likely to have an opportunity to run into each other. If you have a request, we'll be happy to accommodate that!

Comments to this post are screened.



Hey guys!

There has been some questions about the polyjuice plot so we wanted to clear the air. While wikipedia makes some assumptions about the person needing to be alive, it was never actually stated in canon. Based on our reading, and previous game canon, it was more a matter of Barty Jr. needing to keep him alive to keep his supply up and not that the spell required the person to be alive. In this game, it is possible to use a successful polyjuice even if that person is no longer alive.

The only DEs that are being used for this plot are those that were played in game and whose players have given us permission. We will not be using NPC family members unless you tell us you'd like them included. If you'd like to volunteer a dearly departed Death Eater, please let us know and we'll add them to the list.

Additionally, the polyjuice plot will be used in the re-takeover battle. There will be a chance to request to be part of this plot. Please note that you will not be assigned to this plot unless you volunteer. Thank you!

ETA: Please see this comment from us as well.




FOR SAKE OF EASE -- If your character is a confirmed member of the Order of the Phoenix, CAV, or any other vigilante group, please assume there is now a warrant out for their arrest! These would have been recently! Vague hand wave! If you have questions, please ask here! Thank you!



Hello all!

Now that November is finished, RPWRIMO is over. How did you guys do? Did you meet your goals?

For this month’s writing challenge, we thought we’d do a winter/Christmas-themed prompt list. So behold...the Twelve Prompts of Christmas!




Hi guys! I am once again leaving on a jet plane for a few days because this is my life now. I'll be sparse for the net few days and back on Saturday!



Hey guys, with the execution plot completed and the Order and CAV using the clinic officially, we just wanted to make an ooc post about general clinic things going forward!

cut to save space )



FYI this evening Octavius is going to flood the Winternet with gifs of the Death Eaters getting their asses kicked at the execution. There will also be plenty of hoots with screen captures of various members of the DMLE saying people had nothing to worry about, should trust them, etc.

This has been an informative post.



Hey guys, just wanting to let you know that there was an article about Agnes' verdict looking a lot like the one Rita did about Camilla, I just forgot to ask someone to write one and figured I'd do it myself, and then I forgot to write one too so lol sorry about that. But yes, there was an article written by no longer intern Morgan, probably heavy on why vigiliantism is Wrong and that she expects a lot more Order members will go down with time, ~this is just the beginning~ vibes all over it. I'd say it was probably published on the 24th, the day after the trial ended.



Hi guys!

How is everyone’s rpwrimo goals coming along? There are only 9 days left in the month! Would you guys be interested in doing another writing challenge next month?

We’ve decided for the rest of the game we’re going to do away with activity checks and do presence checks instead!

Don’t forget that your logs for the break out plot are due by midnight on the 25th!



Hey guys,

I'm going to be heading to the land of no wifi November 19th - 26th for Thanksgiving! I'll be around/available but email will be the best way to get me. Although I'll try to pop into chat now and again and probably more than I think because Indiana is usually terrible by the third day.

I'll still be tagging logs/commenting but responses will be slower. Don't be afraid to email me if you need Imogen/Johna/Emma for something!

xoxo Heather



Hey gang! I know there are quite a few plots coming up but we're looking for 2 - 3 DMLE volunteers to log a small skirmish on the 22nd. If you're interested in volunteering your DMLEr, please comment here! Comments are screened.



A few things:
  • We’re planning on shutting down holds for good on DECEMBER 1ST!
  • Here is November’s plot calendar!
  • We’re going to start solidifying the horcrux plot and send out pairings for the breakout plot this week.
And finally, it's a day late, but this week's rpwrimo check in post! How are we all doing? We thought it might be fun to make this post a writing meme too. So comment below with your name and/or your rpwrimo progress and then hit up everyone else’s comments with a pairing (romantic or otherwise) and a prompt for a six word drabble.



Claudie, Rae and I are coming bearing a small ridiculous plot for you! The gist is: the Summers are so #done, and will come up with the idea of asking Aidan to make a virus for the app version of the journal network, and also the Messenger app used for hexting. It'll cause anyone who uses certain words when typing on their phones have them autocorrected to 'Voldemort', triggering the taboo and make people's fingers sew shut. They'll specifically plug in phrases that purists and Death Eaters are likely to use, but other people mostly don't. The list looks like this (though if there's something you think should make the list, comment and we'll add it):

1. mudblood/mudbloods
2. the Dark Lord
3. Knights of Walpurgis
4. any mention of Walpurgis at all

This will go into effect on Thursday, and it'll take a week or two until the virus has been located and cleared up from the two apps, but in the meantime, have fun with this one! If you prefer not to participate you can just have your character use a physical journal and a quill for the duration of this plot. It also won't affect Dictaquills, obviously.



Everybody in the whole cell block Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock

We're a bit behind on things with the election, but just for reference Camilla's trial will be happening soon, and here is a list of things that she will be charged with. This list was released as a memo as per usual to all media outlets.

- human trafficking
- conspiracy to commit sedition
- usage of an unregistered portkey
- assault causing grievous bodily harm with intent
- failure to maintain an address on file with the Ministry

Also if anyone wants to scene very brief snippets or give me witness soundbites from her trial, let me know. You can make up any old thing that you please, just as long as it paints Camilla in a bad light. In the meantime, she would like you to picture her as rocking her prison get up a la Effie Trinket in District 13 ^^



Hi everyone! Quick reminder that tomorrow is the last day to volunteer for this plot!

But the main purpose of this to say we know many of us have spent the day feeling discouraged, fearful, dejected and angry with very good (and very unfortunate) reason. We love you all and the community we've built here. In light of last night's elections, we want to take a moment to say how much we appreciate the players of this game and the friends we've met across the country and the world through rp. You are all incredible, smart, resilient, valuable and fully worthy human beings. We're so lucky to have had the opportunity to write with all of you. Thank you for sharing with us your time, energy and the reminder that people from vastly different backgrounds can work together to build something wonderful.

Tonight, we propose a SNAPS CUP of a slightly different variety. Not all of us are feeling very articulate and sometimes the intention of snaps gets lost in the scramble to reply to everyone. So we'd like to simplify it.

Comment here with your name and then give everyone a cute/funny/special gif in lieu of compliments, because while none of us can make this better overnight, we can try to give you a reason to smile and a reminder that you are appreciated.