Feb. 25th, 2009


These Tracks Stretch Out Before (Supernatural/Sky High)

Title: These Tracks Stretch Out Before
Fandoms: Supernatural/Sky High crossover AU
Length: 25,660 words
Rating: PG-13
Genre: coming of age/family drama/action adventure
Pairing: contains Sam/Warren activities, references to other pairings
Thanks: To thepouncer for the very helpful beta.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is from The CW and Sky High is from Disney. This is a fanfic for entertainment and not profit.
Spoilers: Happens after the movie for SH, contains conceptual spoilers only for the premise of SPN.

Summary: A mysterious new boy with a tragic past and misunderstood powers arrives at Sky High. Going to superhero school was probably the stupidest thing Sam had ever done. What if someone found out his family's secret?