Jun. 27th, 2009


Shadow (Hellsing/Supernatural) PG-13

Title: Shadow
Author: [info]black_raven
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Alucard, Dean, John
Fandoms: Hellsing and Supernatural
Word Count: 2,500
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sam remembers a recent hunt. Two weeks spent in Mt. Rushmore being hunted by shadows and a man in a red coat. The only hunt to ever truly get to his dad. Hellsing crossover.
Spoilers: Mild hints of Seasons 3-4
Warnings: Background Character Death, Mentions of Violence, Could be Considered Dark


Jun. 23rd, 2009


Last Stand (Rated R) Hellsing/Harry Potter Chapter 2

Title: Last Stand
Rating: R
Summery: The war with Voldemort has taken its tole on the Wizarding world. Harry is fed up with it all. To save himself and the few people he still trusts, he creates a portal into another world. Only Heaven and Hell knows where it will take them. Alternate Universe.
Warnings: Dark-Fic, Violence, Foul Language, Underage Drinking, Smoking, Mentions of Incest, Mentions of Rape, Future Slash
Pairings: Ginny W./Bill W.
Fandoms: Hellsing and Harry Potter



Jun. 7th, 2009


Last Stand (Rated R) Hellsing/Harry Potter Chapter 1

Title: Last Stand
Rating: R
Summery: The war with Voldemort has taken its tole on the Wizarding world. Harry is fed up with it all. To save himself and the few people he still trusts, he creates a portal into another world. Only Heaven and Hell knows where it will take them. Alternate Universe.
Warnings: Dark-Fic, Violence, Foul Language, Underage Drinking, Smoking, Mentions of Incest, Mentions of Rape, Future Slash
Pairings: Ginny W./Bill W.
Fandoms: Hellsing and Harry Potter


May. 9th, 2009


A Devil on Fleet Street (Hellsing/Sweeney Todd) PG-13

Title: A Devil on Fleet Street
Rating: PG-13
Summery: A Devil ponders about the Demon-Barber of Fleet Street. No pairings. One-shot. Hellsing/Sweeney Todd.

Warnings: Dark-fic
Pairings: None
Fandoms: Hellsing and Sweeney Todd
