Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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Posts Tagged: 'castiel'

Aug. 30th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Where: Hotel Room
When: Morning of tethering plot
What: Rude awakenings
Warnings: Language

The Ties That Bind )

Aug. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Since we're still dealing with this fun forced pairing, I'll try to distract a few people.

If you can heal people, either through medical or magical terms, and would like to volunteer a few hours in the afternoon, let me know. While I don't expect injuries, when doing training, there can be a few bruises.

Also I've noticed that we celebrate a lot of American holidays, but we're hardly all American. If there are special holidays in your country/world, please let me know. I would like to incorporate them into the school calendar.

[Students] (((ooc: anyone under 20 who wants to answer if welcome)))

Here's a list of the classes and teachers.

History, Math, Science, Ethics and English will be mandatory for anyone under 16. English will not be mandatory for anyone who's first language isn't English.

You can pick your classes for the Tuesday/Thursday schedule and the 2pm to 5pm. No training is required. You can pick and choose what you want to do.

If everything goes well, we will start next Monday, unless we're still stuck to other people.

Tom, I've included you so you can see a little what the curriculum is and what we'll be doing.

Jul. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Where: Library/hotel room
When: After the doors were opened
What: Dean is blind and freaking out
Status: complete
Warnings: none

...and then there was a blinding light )

Jul. 25th, 2021




Alright, ducklings. In light of all the... everything crawling around and through and under(?) the hotel, we've set up a temporary safehouse in the ballroom. It's central and easier to guard than most rooms.

If you go through the mystery doors and recover someone injured or become injured yourself, we'll have medical stations set up.

Medics, healers, anyone else who wants to lend a hand: I know I will be eternally grateful for your assistance. Everyone else: if you must go exploring, please, please do so armed and with a friend. Seems dangerous down there.

Jul. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

I do not mean to be dramatic:

But if I don't find something to do with my mind and my hands I am going to actually die.

Jul. 18th, 2021



To People with magic

((OOC: If your character has magic, he/she would have been included. I haven't made a list because I knew I'd forget someone)))

With so many groups and activities popping up, Sabrina and I were discussing the possibility of having a magical group. I wasn't picturing meetings to sit around and drink, but a set space for all of us to go, research together, or practice magic together.

I know many of us have been researching ways to make life here better and/or ways to go home, but our magic is very different and it might be easier if we have a place where we can talk and compare notes, study together, etc.

[ Stephen ]

Sabrina told me about getting access to your Sanctorum, and I wanted to thank you. I also appreciate the support you gave her. I know the situation was rather unorthodox.

[ Sirius ]

I know what we said, but you're good at magic. Don't stay away, because of us. Your talent might be crucial.

Jul. 15th, 2021


[No Subject]

Anyone want to skateboard with me? Now that rooms are open?

Jul. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

It looks like I won't be venturing outside of my room for a bit. Sorry, Cassie, dear.

Is there anyone this abrupt episode in uncontrollable nudity is not impacting who might be able to make a few food runs? I'd be ever so grateful.



[No Subject]

Looks like the hotel decided to stretch its shenanigans to day two. I'll still be going about my business as usual, so you can find me in the apothecary.

Jun. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

So uh - you know not that I'm not loving the sun and the bed and the drinks and surfing and everything, but like when do we start to worry about whether or not we're going back? Is this just the new normal?

Jun. 10th, 2021




I'm waiting for the monsters to come out of the sand at dusk. The ocean would be too obvious.

On another note, these pink drinks with cherries and tiny umbrellas are delicious.




Well, this is definitely a first. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I plan to take full advantage of this glorious paradise. Hopefully, we don't go back too soon.

Jun. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm not saying that I found a copy of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the projection booth of the theater this morning, but if I had hypothetically found one... Who wants to dress up with me?

Dibs on Frank. Because I already have the costume.



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Where: Pool & Hotel Room
When: 6/7/21
What: Dean is a dick and apologizes.
Status: Complete
Warnings: Profanity

Just keep swimming. )

Jun. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm going to need everyone to take a much bigger interest in the roller rink I just found in the basement. I get that it's not as popular nowadays, in whatever version of nowadays you want to go with, but it's just depressing skating all by myself.

May. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: EVERYONE – start your own threads
Where: just outside the hotel
When: As soon as it's nightfall
Status: OPEN
Warnings: Main log opener is tame. Please put warnings in the subject line of your comments when necessary

Fireworks, not homemade bombs )

May. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Castiel and Dean Winchester
Where: New York City
When: Backdated May 16
What: Dean and Castiel meet Deanmon
Status: Complete
Warnings: language

Demon Dean was kind of a dick. A lot like the real Dean, except a demon. )

May. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

Has anyone seen an angel in a tan trench coat and blue tie wandering about? I can't find the bastard and he's not answering my prayers, so...he should be fine, he's pretty resilient, but I'm still worried.

Apr. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Where: Movie theater
When: Before the ghosts
What: Watching a movie
Status: Completed/Closed
Warnings: None

Slasher films can be romantic, too. )

Mar. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Dean Winchester & Castiel
Where: Their hotel room.
When: March 4, 2021 - early morning
What: Cas is powerless.
Status: Complete
Warnings: None

What's wrong with you? )