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Dec. 19th, 2007 @ 10:46 am December Prompt 1 - Gods wish to punih us

When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

You know when you die, your life is supposed to flash in front of you? It doesn't. Maybe because I'm a cocktail or maybe because fate likes to laugh or crap all over me I didn't get the movie version of this is your life. I got a movie of don't you wish this is what happened instead of what did. How's that for crapping on you?

I faced a cloned version of me. She was a little bit older than I was when I'd escaped Manticore. It's weird looking at yourself but you know it's not you, especially when the bitch is holding a gun at you. In my 'don't you wish' movie, I knocked the gun out of her hand and made it away safely with Zack's help.

We were all at Crash celebrating the victory. Zack and Logan were getting along, which should have been my clue. Then Logan and I had some unfinished business that had been interrupted by the mission that needed to be taken care of. In my movie, his apartment was filled with candles. The soft glow from the candlelight made everything look softer, even Logan's features as he looked at me.

We began to kiss, but not the quick press of lips of desperation before one of us has to leave. They were the long, and slow drawn out kind of kisses where you want to savor the other's taste forever. Fate has a sick sense of humor, too. It wouldn't let me finish that dream before reality busted its way inside.

In the middle of Logan and me making love for the first time, a shadow of a raven flew overhead. It startled me enough to break off the drugging kisses. That was a mistake. That was when the dream/vision/movie went to shit. Logan's hand was suddenly covered in blood as it lay over my chest, and that's when I knew it was what I wish had happened instead of what did.

Instead of making love with Logan for the first time, I had been shot in the heart. Sometimes life sucks.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 351 words ~*~ Comments
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Nov. 21st, 2007 @ 11:25 am November Prompt 2 - Personal ritual

Personal ritual. We all have them, little superstitions that we all follow. What’s yours?

Does going to the same place to clear your head count as a personal ritual? Maybe it started with Ben's high place to talk to the Blue Lady, who knows. All I know, is that I just like going to the Needle and looking down at the city. Sometimes I think about the people and that everyone down there's got problems. Maybe not the same problems that I do, but problems, and if I sit up there long enough, I start to feel like one of them. A normal girl trying to get by in a broken world.

Whenever I have to think, or psych myself up for something I hit the Needle. It's quiet and I know that Manticore or the drones can't get me when I'm up there. They don't fly that high to capture me on film. Like I said, I don't know if it's because Ben was sure that we'd find the answers to everything up in the high place or just that I know no one can get me there. Doesn't really matter, just know it works.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 182 words
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Oct. 9th, 2007 @ 09:13 pm October Prompt 5 - Difficult Decision

What was the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?

Most difficult? Huh. It could have been the decision to leave Manticore. That was all Zack though, it was his idea. Not much of a decision there, just followed my leader and big brother. It could have been when we gave Zack a new life on a ranch. I knew I'd never see my big brother again. That decision wasn't really hard, it was the one I make every day not to find out how he's doing. It could also have been the decision with Ben. Yeah except for Logan, that was probably the hardest decision I've made.

The winner? Letting Logan believe that I was with Alec. I know myself and sooner or later I'd let my guard down and touch him. I couldn't take that chance. He didn't need a biohazardous girlfriend. The look on his face though, when he thought there was a me and Alec, that hurt. I almost said something, but I kept flashing to him in the hospital bed surrounded by ice packs. Kinda made it easier.

Love sucks.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 175 words ~*~ Comment
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Sep. 21st, 2007 @ 08:43 am September Prompt 4 - Close but no Cigar

If she had known it would be the plan to use her to get to Eyes Only she would have, well not stayed in Manticore, but let Logan continue to believe that she had died.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 280 words
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Aug. 24th, 2007 @ 11:04 am August Prompt 1 - Don't look too far ahead

It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time. - Sir Winston Churchill

Ya think I identify with this quote because it's Churchill and I have a bit of his DNA in my cocktail? Not sure, but the man knew what the hell he was talking about. Another way to put it, is that fate likes to crap all over you, if you look too far ahead.

Turns out Sandeman made me some kind of second coming to save mankind. Some kind of shit in my blood that's supposed to save the human race from whatever biblically bad thing is coming. Whatever. Right now, I have to deal with what's happening in Terminal City. That's more important.

It's because of me everyone's here instead of escaping and evading capture. One giant mass of transgenics. Come and get us. Yeah, the government's probably salivating at the idea of so many of us in one spot. Either that or shitting their pants because they're scared. Kinda finding comfort in the last idea.

So, I'm not even thinking about what the runes mean. Why I was turned into a JumboTron. All I'm thinking about is how to survive another day without blood shed. A lot of people are depending on me to keep them alive and out of a cage. Step one, save Terminal City. Step two, make the virus bitch go down. Step three, worry about mankind.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 222 words ~*~ Comments
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Jul. 16th, 2007 @ 10:01 am July Prompt 1 - Gide quote

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide

Max sat on the edge of the Space Needle, staring out over the city, the nightmare she'd had at Halloween still haunting her waking thoughts. It wasn't the image of Logan and Asha wanting to get married, or even the headless transgenic still trying to complete its mission that kept playing over in Max's mind. It was seeing herself deny Joshua and what she was to stay free.

Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Dark Angel ~*~ 345 words
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Jun. 9th, 2007 @ 02:12 pm June Prompt 1 - Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends

Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends. - Jacques Delille

I wouldn't say that fate chose my relations, that would have been Manticore. The genetic cocktail they gave me made my siblings, but I will agree that we choose our friends.

Muse: Max Guevera/X5-452 ~*~ Fandom: Dark Angel ~*~ 240 Words
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