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Apr. 10th, 2008


[GW] The Knife

The Knife

Pairs: Quatre. Duo (friendship)

Warning: short mention of slash (past 3x4), lots of het, marriage and divorce, swearing, huge father issues, light angst, older gundam pilots.

Dedication: For [info]lomelinde_sama for a bunch of a reasons, not the least of which is just because I love her. You're one the best people I've ever known, and I wish you all the best in everything you do. ^^

Summary: After his forth divorce running, Quatre decides to confront the root of all his problems—his father.

There is something to be said about a man when he misses his flying weapon of mass destruction far greater than his own father. )
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Apr. 1st, 2008


[GW] Origins 2: Naming The Baby

Origins 2: Naming The Baby

Warning: references to child prostitution (only references), pedophilia within a church (sorry, it had to be done, but it's only implied), some minor swearing.

Dedication: Still dedicated to shini02, in the spirit of the prompt she gave me, as well as gw500's Duo prompt. ^^

Note: All you need to know to understand this is the baby Solo is carrying around is Duo, and they're fresh into the streets... but that's pretty much all implied anyway. Still, it couldn't hurt to read the first part. *points to link* Also, I apologize that Solo doesn't sound very four-year-old like, but hey, he's from L2. *pretends that's a good excuse and moves on*

Origins 1

So you mean, like, I'm alone? )

Mar. 31st, 2008


[GW] Origins


Pair: Solo, Duo, OC's

Warning: death, light angst (sort of), human trafficking (sort of), baby!Duo.

Note: For shini02's prompt a while back, “How about some Solo-fic?” Hee! GW500's Duo prompt really helped me get this one done (I was seriously struggling), so I thank them as well. There may be sequels (ask, and I will serve!).

Summary: My own version of the origin story between Solo and Duo... Solo's mother comes home with a very peculiar package.

How can anyone not have a mama? )
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Mar. 19th, 2008


[GW] Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty

Pairs: Trowa, Quatre, Duo (friendship, various combinations if you squint)
Warning: second person POV, angst
Note: for GW500's challenge, “all the king's men.”

Three years, and you still can't put on a space suit without shaking. )
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Mar. 11th, 2008


[GW] Veteran 2

Veteran 2

Pair: Duo, Howard, OC's

Warning: mission-ness, the torture of old men

Note: For gw500's prompt, "foreign." Sequel to Veteran (can be read separately). I forgot how terrible I am at writing missions when doing this. Doh! Oh well. Practice makes perfect, as they say... sequel to Veteran. (And yes, it's a stand-alone. Hee!)

Summary: Duo finds Howard.

Of all the places to stash gundanium, why did it have to be Africa? )

Mar. 5th, 2008


[GW] Desire And Dorothy Meet The Zero System

Desire And Dorothy Meet The Zero System
by cozzybob

Pairs: Desire, Dorothy, hints of 6xD.

Warning: Erm, if the title didn't give it way, a bit psychotic. Zero-ness, Desire, one swear word, graphic depictions of war, violence, hidden angsting.

Note: For Jinsai upon request: “Sandman and Gundam Wing crossovers: Dorothy and Desire.” You can find the rest of the crossovers here, but this is a stand-alone.

Second Note: Takes place during the last episode when Dorothy is using the Zero System to control the dolls... my memory's fuzzy since I haven't seen the show in over 6-7 years now, but I tried to keep most facts as vague possible. If there's some inaccuracy, please tell me. This version of Dorothy is... well... she *is* hooked to Zero, yes? I'm sure you all know what that means?

Summary: Desire pays Dorothy a visit while she's hooked to the Zero System.

How did a woman grasp such a physical lust for war? )

Mar. 4th, 2008


[GW] Martian Wedding Rituals

Martian Wedding Rituals
by cozzybob

Pair: 6xD, mention of 1xR

Warning: Fluff! From me. Seriously, if that's not scary, I don't know what is. ;P Hee! Erm. Fluff, sap, romance, pure het, sweetness that will make your teeth ache, happily-ever-afters, not a lick of slash.

Note: For the glorious Princess, by request: “6xD: something sweet; doesn't have to be fluffy, but no angst or unhappiness or bondage.” I know what she likes, and she knows how to give me a challenge. This is actually a stepping stone for me—probably the first *real* romance I've ever done. Isn't that sad, after 100+ fics? xD

Another note: This sort of goes along with another story I'm currently writing, although said story is much, much darker. Hee! When I finally post that, this will fall into the same universe. Not that anyone cares about that now, but whatever. ^^

Summary: Fed up with their long-distance relationship, Dorothy moves to Mars to be with Zechs.

You shouldn't be there alone )
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Mar. 3rd, 2007


Gundam Wing Fanfic List

Gundam Wing Fanfiction Masterlist )

Mar. 3rd, 2008


[GW] Veteran

by cozzybob

Pairing/Characters: Howard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, torture, old man abuse
Note: For gw500's "captive" challenge. Also dedicated to Ralphiere.

Summary: Howard is captured by White Fang agents, who want him to design another gundam.

Clearly, they never met the business end of a Shinigami glare. )

Mar. 2nd, 2008


[GW] Delirium


Rated: PG
Pairs: Quatre and Delirium
Warning: none
Note: For [info]gundam_100's crossover challenge, a crossover between GW and the Sandman comics. A perfect drabble (ie: exactly 100 words).

What's the word for when you hate and love at the same time? )

Mar. 1st, 2008


[GW] Old Men

Old Men
by cozzybob

Warnings: age, angst associated with age, some graphic images of violence, mention of young!Doctor sex (HowardxO).
Character/Pairing: Howard and Duo
Rating: PG-13ish
AN: For Ralphiere, because I dedicate every Howard fic I write to her. ^^ Written to gw500 challenge, "captive."

Summary: Duo visits Howard at the nursing home.

Why would you change your name to Duo? )

Feb. 28th, 2008


[BTVS/ATS] On Giving Up

On Giving Up
by cozzybob

Rating: PG-13 for language
Pair: Spike/Illyria-ish
Warning: aww factor. some language, many uses of the f-word, a brief moment of interrupted demon smut. Mega spoilers for After The Fall.

Note: After reading the second installment of the After The Fall comic, I was disturbed on Spike's behalf. But then I decided, hey, this is Joss, and he knows what he's doing. He's gotta, he hasn't failed us much before, right? Well, sort of. At any rate, I believe in the man, and I started to consider the subtle hints of background story implied by Spike when speaking to Angel. I *was* going to write a story about that, how Spike came to be the way we find him, but that was too much work and I know I'll end up getting Jossed anyway, so I found myself oggling that last image of Illyria fanatically and looking over my options. That's when I began to write this. It helped me to understand things, really, and I'm not so disturbed anymore. In fact, I'm starting to think ATF!Spike makes a strange kind of sense.

Summary: Written to the 2nd issue of the After The Fall comic. Spike thinks over his current role in Angel's life, and more importantly, his role in Illyria's.

Clearly, hell was unaware of William the Bloody's reputation for women. )


[BTVS/ATS] To Do What He Mustn't

To Do What He Mustn't
Rating: PG
Pairing: Angel/Spikeish (sort of) with references to That Slayer.
Disclaimer: Yah, dood, me iz Joss clone, yay!
Notes: All dialog has been taken from A Hole In The World, when Angel offers Spike the chance to leave WR&H. Written for [info]slashthedrabble's prompt "freedom/escape."
Summary: A look on Spike's reasons for doing the things that he does.

bad poetry had been etched into the backs of his eyelids )


[BTVS/ATS] In Knots

Title: In Knots
Author: cozzybob
Pairing: Angel/Spike
Warning: some slash, but it's more cuddly than sexual. Also, post NFAish, the usual angst, "gah", and Cozzy-ness.
Note: Can I post this here? I hope I can. Tell me if I can't. I felt like cuddly fic, but there wasn't any, so I ended up cuddling myself. It was written at three to four in the morning when I hadn't written anything of this nature in at least a month, or anything at all since last week. It's probably very rough, but I was so excited that I actually wrote a fic and finished it, that I really don't care right now. Woot! *pets us all*

Summary: Our two favorite vampires cuddle.

Angel considered himself the tongue-tied cherry stem in Spike's mouth... )


[BTVS/ATS] Cigarettes And Love Letters

Title: Cigarettes And Love Letters
Author: cozzybob
Pair: Angel/Spike-ness with some Ripper tossed in for good measure. mentions of Angel/Spike/Dru and Spuffyness.
Warning: character death (canon), angst, character study(s). Mostly gen.
Takes place: Post-Buffy, just before Angel s5

Note: My first Buffy fic, and I'm too nervous to post in my own journal, primarily because I told myself that it just wouldn't happen. But it did, and I'm here, so. Weee! Any pointers?

Summary: Giles delivers a letter from Spike to Angel after the events in Chosen.

Ripper would've thought Spike was a work of art, and that was why Giles couldn't stand him. )

Feb. 26th, 2008


[GW] Three More Drabbles

Untitled Something Or Another

Pair: 2x3
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Duo has a potty mouth
Notes: For Gundam_100's promp "touch" on IJ

Motherfreakin' )


Baby Blues
Pair: 6xD
Rating: PGish
Word Count: 104
Note: Another, same comm, for "touch."

She touched him once, on the thigh. )


Howard's First

Pair: past one-way Howard/J
Rating: PG-13

Note: Dedicated to [info]ralphiere, and inspired (sort of) by an old Pond pic of young!J and Howard, from way back, which I can't link to since her site is down. Waaah! Again, same comm, prompt "secret."

And oh, those luscious cherry lips... )


[GW] Reverence

by cozzybob

Pair: old Duo
Rating: G
Word Count: exactly 100
Author's Notes: For Princess, because she said I could do it, and I did, and for E, who made me join gundam_100 on IJ, to which this was written for. The prompt was touch.

"Can I touch?"

He was fifty, and a liaison between the rebuilt Maxwell Orphanage and the street rats. Every day he'd travel through the worst sections of the colony, and come back with refugees. Duo was a millionaire, he didn't have to do it. He owned the entire colony, he could hire others to do grunt work. But the children...

Duo knelt, swinging his peppered braid over his shoulder and handing it to tiny, filthy hands. The boy petted it with reverence.

"Wow," he whispered. He touched the braid like it had been transplanted from Jesus' scalp.

"Yeah. S'great. C'mon."
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[GW] Lice Sucks Even More Than Peas

Lice Sucks Even More Than Peas
by cozzybob

Pair: Just Duo
Warning: lice and graphic descriptions of it.

Note: Based on actual Cozzy memories. Enjoy! I may do another one related to this drabble, depending on how the muse bites.

Tiny legs scurried across his scalp... )
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[GW] Pagan For Hire 7

Pagan For Hire 7
by cozzybob

Pair: Pagan, Relena, Mrs. Darlian.

Warning: Takes place shortly after Heero blows himself up, with spoilers up around until that point. Err. Sorta Mrs.-Darlian-bashing, mentions of Relena with a gun. ;D

Note: Seventh part, was for Pagan month at gw_ozzies, blah blah blah. You know, I know, if you don't, it's okay. Hee! Long overdue... sorry about that. Not very pleased with it, but enough I say! You are craving Pagan. Yus! You don't need to read the others to get this, each is kind of a stand-alone anyway. Just Pagan lookin' after the kiddie pies. Yayz! *kishes Grandpa Pagan for being so wondie*

Summary: After Darlian's death, Relena vanishes, and Pagan struggles to catch up.

This is what they never taught you in private school. )


[GW] Death Meets One Billion And Six

Death Meets One Billion and Six
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs, Sandman's Death.

Warning: end of the series + Zechs = ANGST. Crossover with the Sandman comics.

Note: Believe it or not, this took me several months to write. It's another crossover with Sandman in what I'm finally dubbing the Sandman Crossover Drabbles (the other two being Death Speaks to Death and Death Takes One), but you don't need to read those at all to get this, so, mwa! Ederyn said a while ago that Zechs should die in this so that he can get Treize and she'll stop sobbing every time she reads these, but I can't be nearly that nice, so don't worry, Zechs doesn't die, dear. Enjoy! Hehehe...

Summary: Zechs drifts in space waiting to die, but unfortunately, nothing ever works for Zechs the way he plans them.

He counts a star for every life that he has taken. )
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