Posts Tagged: '%C2%BB+admin'

Jul. 31st, 2027




For anyone who's still following:

Photobucket's reign of terror doesn't seem to have reached my account yet, but presumably it's only a matter of time. I don't icon very much these days and so it may be a long time before I edit all my old posts. HOWEVER, I have rehosted all the icons from this comm (plus a few NEVER BEFORE SEEN oddments): Costume Trunk

If you're not able to see a set here, just scroll down that page for however many weeks it takes until you find the name you're after.


Mar. 19th, 2008



Request Post

If you'd like to request anything, you can comment here!

A few notes:

  1. I am always more likely to do icons of people I find attractive, people who are in some way underrepresented as PBs, or people who are both; this generally means a) medieval or Renaissance costume, b) brunettes, c) POC, d) plus-size models and actresses, and e) men with laugh lines. Skinny blondes and people from Glee are thus low priority.

  2. Currently I have a ~system~, which is meant to keep me doing a diverse range of PBs and not falling behind on my [info]icontheworld claims. It looks a bit like a Yahtzee card, and I fill it up completely before starting fresh. If your request doesn't happen to match a free slot in my queue, it will be a longer wait.

  3. I reserve the right to decline, ignore, completely forget, or change my mind about any request at any time. Iconing is my hobby, and a secondary hobby at that.

  4. Do not let any of this scare you off suggesting people, particularly if they match #1! I have a Big List of potential subjects that I draw from, and anyone who looks remotely inspiring goes into that list. I love suggestions, I just refuse to be bound by them. ;)
