October 2008



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Oct. 10th, 2008


two new storyline requests

For Leech:

WANTED: Christopher Walken, Hugh Laurie, Nick Lea, Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, or y'know, whoever you want to bring.

In particular, I'd like to find the mobster that my character, Leech, gets his orders from. Leech sells drugs and does some housebreaking and theft, on commission mostly; he isn't really a part of 'the family.' For this role, I'd like an underboss or perhaps a son of a Don - someone important enough that he can dole out responsibilities - and they don't have to be the Italian mob, we want Russkis and Irishmen, too; I'd rather prefer a Russki or Mick to be honest. If your character is homosexual, there is also a possiblity of a line that way. Any age over late twenties is fine. Please send an IM if you're interested, or comment here.

For Kellen:

It requires a female, in her late thirties-early forties: older models and pretty actresses would be great, because the character was a runway model in her heyday. Now, she's been divorced for a few years and has decided to live it up by moving to Cosa Nostra Bay in New Jersey. There, she could have either decided to be a stripper, be simply living luxuriously on her modeling fortune and divorce settlement, or maybe have hooked up with one of the big name mobsters in town.

She'd be the mother of my character, Kellen White. They don't get along though, and he's now in custody of his older half-brother who is NOT related to this mother - I see some drama inherent here. I see her as a sorta 'desperate housewives' type, only without the wive part - manipulative, cunning, sexy, and charming. She also has a daughter, Keiran, who is not played but is about 21 and about to graduate from an Ivy League school, so maybe we could find her, too!

PB suggestions: Tori Amos, Monica Belluci, Morena Baccarin, Rose McGowan, ANY gorgeous and older female. I prefer someone with red or dark hair, though. As before, IM or comment here if you're into it.

killemall kellen is the AIM, also, if I'm around.

Oct. 6th, 2008


god ij is so slow i could die.

anyway, sup. i am bringing kathleen into the game. HOORAY. anyone want lines? she's got some pre-written in her bio but i'm also up for brainstorming new ones. lowdown: she's a high school senior, possible dropout, she dances at the strip club three times a week and lives down by the docks. (yeah, i wanted my rp to have a little bit of everything.) she has the personality of a friendly bulldozer, and likes meeting new people and getting fucked up with them.

Sep. 28th, 2008



Benecio Del Toro
David Duchovny
Jason Statham
Vinnie Jones
Tom Felton
Nick Lea
Johnny Depp
Bruce Willis
Tom Waits
Hugh Laurie

Gemma Ward
Tori Amos
Summer Glau
Monica Bellucci
Morena Baccarin
Jennifer Tilly
Dita Von Teese
Brody Dalle

If you'd like to add anyone to this list, please comment below.


I need lines!

Below are all the storylines I have written up that need filling. They demand a wide variety of characters, genders and ages, and I'm of course up for almost anything that Kellen would fit. Hit me up!

→ she has a girlfriend now • [OPEN, older female] • i never thought it would end like this, just because i got no tits → Kellen, being the boy-whore that he is, was immediately drawn to this gorgeous, older girl. he's never been shy, so finding an opportunity to chat her up wasn't difficult - but it did lead to some difficulties. as their friendship grew, this lady friend confessed to Kellen something she hadn't yet confessed to anyone: she's a lesbian. she fears her parents would disown her if they knew, for being a disgrace to the family name, and they keep dropping not-so-subtle hints about their daughter getting ready to settle down - after all, she's a junior [or senior, your pick] and she has never been on a date, or been asked to any school dances despite her charming personality and smokin' hot looks. once she confides this dilemma in Kellen, he does what any chivalrous, bisexual, hormonal teenager would do; he offers to be her 'pretend' boyfriend to appease her parents and keep her secret from her friends. but he'd really like it if she realized, fairy-tale style, that she really is attracted to boys - especially if the only boy she's attracted to is Kellen, himself.

→ touch me i'm sick • [OPEN, male or female] • i wont live long, and i'm full'a rot; and i'm gunna give you, boy, everything i got → though Kellen may be fairly corrupt himself, he is only 16, and he has a lot to learn in the ways of depravity. this older student is only all too happy to instruct him. sex, drugs, and of course rock and roll are on the agenda for Kellen's tutelage - but from simply looking at this mentor, you would never guess that they are as bad as they really are. with the manipulation of teachers and peers alike down pat, they put up a front of being a perfect student, but what happens behind closed doors are things no one this kid has played would ever guess - and Kellen is all too happy to be in that room when the doors close, much to the disapproval of his new guardian.

→ just like me • [OPEN, male] • i want your misery, i want you to be what i hate in me → this student likes to believe that were the punkest motherfucker in town until Kellen showed up and demolished their 'hardcore reputation...or something. whether that's true or not, this person can't hold a candle to Kellen. so instead of being jealous, they now follows Kellen like a stray puppy, living off Kellen's offerings of mixed CDs and explanations of bands now and past. if s/he's lucky, Kellen will sometimes invite them to hang in his dorm, listen to music and get high. they're a little annoying at times, and Kellen never hesitates to tell them off or take his misdirected anger out on them, but the other kid doesn't seem to mind, and may even have a crush on their new idol.

→ rattlesnake • [OPEN, male] • you're full of shit, i hate you, you're a rattlesnake → when his new guardian, his brother Leech, informed him not more than a month ago that he'd be bringing home a foster kid, Kellen was enraged. he took this to mean Leech was giving him, Kellen, up as a bad job and was looking for a replacement. though Leech assured him this wasn't true, Kellen then had another stroke of brilliance. he was convinced that Leech was starting a harem, and would continue fostering young boys to make sure he never slept with anyone over the age of 18. Leech talked him out of this, as well, and then came Kellen's final, hurtful attempt to keep Leech from bringing the kid home. he told Leech that he had no parenting skills, that he would fail. he'd had Kellen for a while now, after all, and what good had he done him? Leech had no rebuttal for this, and the two didn't speak until the night before the orphan arrived, when Leech begged Kellen to talk to him, support him even if he didn't agree with his decision. unable to resist his brother's begging, Kellen gave in. he had hoped that when he started school, that he would be freed of this new family nuisance, but unfortunately his new 'nephew' was also enrolled in the Academy. is it possible for Kellen to get over his jealousy and actually accept this boy as a part of the family, or will they be at odds forever?

→ oh comely • [OPEN, male teacher] • i will be with you when you lose your breath → this is a teacher/coach/club leader at Kellen's new school. he is also an acquaintance of Kellen's brother and caretaker, Leech; he is the reason Kellen was allowed to enroll at the Academy despite his abysmal grades and novel-like insurrection file. with Kellen having to deal with the move to a boarding school and his parents practically disowning him, the teacher has many difficulties of his own, so they're fairly close - secretly. they speak often through instant messages, each being a sort of outlet for frustrations and a source of advice for each other. however, they won't be seen speaking together in school much, if at all. the professor is arguably Kellen's closest friend at the Academy. unfortunately, Kellen is more fond of him than he ought to be...but nothing will ever come of his schoolboy crush, right?

→ razor sex • [OPEN, female]• you're my favorite ache inside; so put down that knife and come lie down with me → this girl was one of the first people Kellen met upon coming to the Academy. with a bizarre personal style all her own, and opinions all her own (which she loves to tell everyone about, loudly,) she would have been hard to miss. sometimes Kellen thinks she may just be the most perfect girl in the world...other times he'd give anything to get the hell away from her. and she feels very similar to him. one day they'll be seen roaming the courtyard together and trading casual insults, making each other laugh; the next they'll be seen yelling at each other from opposite ends of that courtyard. their similar personalities make this a typical love/hate relationship, and who can tell which emotion will win out.