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[10 Nov 2014|11:29pm]

Does anyone write stuff within the Smallville Season 11 comics?
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I figure why Not.. [08 Oct 2014|05:06pm]

So. I'm excited we're about to see Mayday in the new Spider-Verse arc. I've always loved the character, and that news gave me a serious itch to play her. I've already got some ideas, but I'm waiting on a few places to see what the new series does with the character. Color me nervous about what's gonna happen to the only happy Parker house ever.

But, that doesn't mean I'm not looking for PSLs with her. I've also got her over at community. Really. I'm just hungry to write the character.
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Generation X [07 Oct 2014|02:26am]

Hi guys! Would anyone be interested in a PSL (one-on-one or even group) involving Generation X from the mid-90s X-Men comics?

I like playing this version of Blink as a member of Generation X -- either by managing not to die during the Phalanx Covenant storyline, or as the Age of Apocalypse version who ends up accidentally teleporting to the 616 timeline. The latter I like playing because it gives me an opportunity to explore what the mainstream Marvel universe looks like from her skewed POV.

So...any takers? I've got a PSL going with a Jubilee, but would any players of other Gen X characters (like Paige, Everett, Angelo, Jono, Monet, Emma, or Sean) be interested? Also open to other X-characters. Like I said, one-on-one or private group. I could do gen or adult situations, het or femme.
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