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A Challenge Right Up His Alley [Dec. 14th, 2007|03:36 am]

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[music |Top Chef Holiday Special on Bravo]

Title: A Challenge Right Up His Alley
Fandom: Top Chef
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Top Chef is a production of and is owned by Bravo.
Word Count: 100
AN: I traded the prompt "monsters" in table 2 for the prompt "junk food" in table 14. They are #037 in both tables in [info]50drabbles.

Dave Matin was estatic. Now this was his kind of challenge. His favorite find of food. Sure, most of the time they got to use high end products such as caviar. But not this week. This week he got to use such things such as cheetos and candy.

Junk food! Alright! Dave thought to himself as he ran around the conveince store. He felt like a kid at Christmas.

It was no secet in the house how much he loved junk food, especially after he beat Miguel Morales in a contest for eating it.

Tasty decisions. So much to choose.
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