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Nikkie's Fics

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[Dec. 14th, 2007|02:51 am]

[Tags|, , , , , ]
[music |Top Chef Holiday Special on Bravo]

Fandom: Top Chef
Rating: G
Pairing: Betty Fraser and Marcel Vigneron from Season 2
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Top Chef is a production of and is owned by Bravo.
Word Count: 100
AN: For the prompt 'fighting' from table 2 for [info]50drabbles

There were raised voices in the back room, but thankfully the judges didn't hear them.

Betty Fraser stared at Marcel Vigneron. His ego was a big as his hair. She, along with a couple others, wanted to bring him down a couple pegs.

He sat there in his chair snipping at her everytime she yelled at him. The other chef contestants in the room watched on as she and Marcel verbally went at it.

She screamed at him about what an ass he is while he rolled his eyes and mocked her.

Season Two was at it again this week.
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