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Dec. 18th, 2008


Who: Nightwing and Beast Boy
What: Catchin' up /o/
Where: Somewheres out in the city
When: Nao :|a
Warnings: Epic levels of dorkticity.

[insert cleverly chosen song lyrics here] )

Nov. 1st, 2008


Redbird X [ Complete ]

Who: Lion Man ([info]flying_solo) and Red X ([info]_redbird)
What: The Batboys in costume.
When: After dark but before midnight on Halloween.
Where: The rooftops.
Warnings: Bat-issues episode 42.

It was a little disturbing how quickly he was getting used to the weirdness. )

Oct. 17th, 2008


Who: Robin II and Robin I
What: are bonding again, this time with extra daemon
Where: while whirling across the city skies
When: late at Bat-night
Warnings: with interludes for adorable Superman anecdotes and some heavy angst. Tim's turn to talk about Two-Face. Also it is kind of long. B| No, really long. Long log is long like longcat.

Launchpad is only his superhero name. )

Sep. 16th, 2008


Bird in the belfry [complete]

Who: Robin and Batwing.
What: Rescue.
When: Presumably slightly before the infirmary attack.
Where: The clocktower.
Warnings: Explosions and a beaten bird.

( Fake-cut for your convenience)

((The clocktower, by the way, is now just hells of blown up. I hear there were fireworks.))

Sep. 12th, 2008


Bat-log #35980465

Who: Batwing and Joker
What: Joker called Batman out, Batwing answers instead
Where: The movie theater
When: Not long after Joker's post and the Batsignal went up.
Warnings: . . . violence.

All around the mulberry bush the Batman chased the Joker~ The Joker laughed it was all in fun~ . . .  )


'Nother Bat-log

Who: Batman!Nightwing (you'll see) and Haine
What: Robin needs rescuing and Haine is just the guy the help find him
Where: Random hallway
When: Sometime after Joker's last post
Warnings: Angst, potential violence, will add as we go along

It's a real one this time, I promise! )


Epic Voice Bat-log is Epic

Who: Nightwing, Robin, Kim Possible, Batgirl, and Luki and Noki (eventually)
What: Getting down to business
Where: From the Batcave to a warehouse in the northeast section of the city
When: Last night (I think) >.>
Warnings: Bat-arguing, Bat-bonding, GRRRL POWAH, violence, gore Joker-style (mutilated corpses), and all this done in the form of a voice post.

(Quick! To the fake Bat-cut!)

Sep. 5th, 2008



Who: Nightwing and Batgirl
What: Checking out Wing A to make sure there's no more stray kitties running around and searching Joker's room for clues.
Where: Wing A to Wing B
When: Tonight
Warnings: Potentially lots of exposition as Batgirl's caught up on recent Bat-clan history.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night~ )

Aug. 27th, 2008



Batwho: Nightwing and Tim!Robin ([info]_redbird)
Batwhat: Robin's first look at the Batcave
Batwhen: After Robin's last entry
Batwhere: Random rooftop #312 to the Batcave
Batwarnings: Again with the epic amounts of dork.

Batteries to power! Turbines to speed! )

Aug. 6th, 2008


Lawgy lawg lawg

Who: Nightwing and X
What: Boredom? Random meeting in the city /o/
Where: . . . in the city :|b
When: Sometime this evening
Warnings: Violence

Mmmm whacha say, mmmm that you only meant well? Well of course you did )

Jun. 18th, 2008


The Weasel to the Snake [ Active ]

Who: Nightwing ([info]flying_solo), X ([info]permanentia) and Anti ([info]ofheart)
What: A meeting of "former" murderers.
When: Early afternoon.
Where: X's prison.
Warnings: ... We'll see. Probably strange, weird talk.

He said, 'I'll be your speaker, you be my rope.' )

Jun. 8th, 2008


Masquerade Log

Who: Everyone!
What: The Masquerade
Where: The ballroom
When: 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM
Why: Because it's Clockwork's birthday!
Warnings: Who the heck knows?

Happy Birthday! )

Apr. 7th, 2008


Loggy log log

Who: Nightwing and Clark
What: Picking up a little bit of kryptonite and possible bitching about Batman.
Where: Clark's room
When: Tonight

I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm more than some pretty face beside a train )

Mar. 24th, 2008


The spidey senses! They are tingling! [ Active ]

Who: "Nightwing" ([info]flying_solo) and "Eriks" ([info]stampeded)
What: Getting... donuts.
When: Late night/early early morning. Saay... 1 AM.
Where: Donut shop.
Warnings: ... To be added.

Naaaw, just a bat. )