Posts Tagged: 'c:+cressida+wolfram'

Dec. 21st, 2020



「WHO」 Cressida & Kelley
「WHAT」 Coworker intros or what have you
「WHEN」 12.21 5AM, after shift

⋘⦖⪤⦕⋙ )

Nov. 10th, 2020



WHO - James + Marlowe [Birdie, Cress]
WHAT - James returns. Marlowe seizes an opportunity for mischief.
WHERE - The Midway
WHEN - Nov 15th, because we're tortoises this week.

The temptation was too great )

Mar. 31st, 2019



March 30th, 4pm

My Anne-Rice-obsessed-younger-self cannot believe I am living in New Orleans. I even went and bought the whole book series - even the worst ones! - for the sake of nostalgia. But it's also weird, because when I was obsessed with vampires as a kid I didn't know that vampires were a real thing. Which is probably for the best? I don't know what twelve-year-old me would have done with that information. (She might have run off to join a supernatural circus to live with vampires. Can you even imagine!)

(It's okay, I'm not a weird vampire groupie, I have well and truly grown out of that phase.)

Anyway, there's a cool shop I went to yesterday and I wanted to buy everything to put in the tea room. And they had up flyers for vampire masked balls and witches balls and steampunk balls and, wow, this whole city is so goth. I wanted to be a goth so much when I was a kid. Maddy and MJ please never show people the photos of tiny goth me.

I have also been to the pharmacy museum which was so cool. So many old jars filled with questionable substances and weird surgical instruments and a cool soda fountain. I recommend it if you like history stuff.

Apr. 24th, 2017



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