Posts Tagged: 'ac:+may+19'

May. 20th, 2019



WHO Khalida [narrative]
WHEN Sunday, 3pm
WHERE The kitchens
WHAT Tormenting a poor npc and having a very bad day.
WARNINGS language, talk of violence

Last night she'd slept terribly after the forth night of horrific nightmares in a row )

May. 14th, 2019



WHO Mona & Dia
WHEN Monday, 13th May, just before midnight
WHERE Inside the circus grounds
WHAT Highway robbery without the highway
WARNINGS light violence, knives, a small measure of break the cutie.

Mona wasn't good at learning that just because something seemed safe, that didn't mean that it was. )

May. 8th, 2019



7th May, 6pm

Does anyone have a guitar lying around that I can use for a bit? I didn't bring mine with me when I left home because it was too big and difficult, but I kinda miss playing it. And I guess if anyone is interested in just sitting around and doing music stuff sometime, that would be cool too.

(I would say the same for a piano but that's not really a thing that I can take back to my room, and I'm not good enough at piano that anyone wants to hear my trying to play things in a public area.)

May. 7th, 2019



7th May, 6:43 am

Do you remember how I had that new finger? The greatest finger? You should remember, I put a video!

Wait, I'll show you

non-gory drawing under the cut )

Like that? Remember? It could wiggle and wave but now it's gone, got broken right off and now I've got a dull number of fingers again. Yes, it's one less than most have and that's somewhat exciting but everyone's lost a finger before, it's not new. Having a special one in a special place was new.

I miss my special finger. We'd become very close. It was like a part of me.

May. 6th, 2019



Who: Khalida & Rex
What: Setting things straight
When: May 4, after this
Where: The Kitchens
Warnings: Talk of domestic violence
Status: Complete

Everything out in the open )

May. 5th, 2019



4th May

[Filtered to Rex]
We need to sit down together and talk when you have time.

[Filtered to Nadine]
I've managed to get into contact with one of the witches from outside the cirque to talk about telepathy spells and charms. I'll let you know if anything comes of it.

May. 3rd, 2019



2nd May, 3pm

I speak French well enough to hold a conversation (although I understand it/read it better than I speak it and my accent is terrible) so it's really interesting all the French influences around in New Orleans. I've been noticing a lot of differences between the French I learned and the French they speak here. There are some grammatical constructions that would be considered 'wrong' in standard French that are apparently normal for Louisiana French. Some of the sentence structure is all mixed up as well, like it's been more influenced by English, and they sometimes skip out the subjunctive all together. When they're speaking it, they roll their Rs more, which is maybe a Spanish influence?

I've been going to a lot of French poetry and book readings in the city on my nights off, is what I'm saying.

This probably isn't very interesting to anyone here, or it's probably just things you already knew about but I just thought it was kinda cool, languages evolving and stuff. I haven't heard much creole yet so I don't really know about that. It would be even more different, I might not be able to understand most of it, but I'd be interested in learning.

I don't know, it's kinda dumb. It's just some stuff I thought was interesting.

Ugh I'll probably delete this later, it's dumb



2nd May, 7am


... )



WHO Nevenka & Jianfan
WHEN 1st May, 11am
WHERE Nevenka’s suite
WHAT A husband returns from the dead
WARNINGS Truly disgusting romance novel fodder, and then sex, then more fodder.
STATUS Complete

Nevenka forgot to breathe as she looked at him. )

May. 1st, 2019



WHO Mona & Prim
WHEN 7am, 21st April
WHERE The Camellia Tea Room
WHAT Apparently it's a new best friend?
WARNINGS Probably not much

Mona had no idea who she was, but she was nice and wanted to be her friend )



Instagram - Tuesday, 9pm


... )

Apr. 24th, 2017



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