December 1st, 2017


Who: Rose and Byron
When: Afternoon, November 5th
Where: Near the Bandaid Station, Midway
What: Hell if I know
Warnings: Byron

Беда́ никогда́ не прихо́дит одна́. )



Who: Kit & OPEN (also works as a narrative)
What: Tying up someone else's loose ends
When: November 5th, "sunset"
Where: Cirque Grounds
Warnings: Implied child death, brief mentions of mutilation

Now that, Kit couldn't bear. )



WHO: Aria and Kennet
WHEN: Nov 5th, last day
WHERE: Near Aria's trailer
SUMMARY:  A Djinn burns forever, or until the end of the Hunt.

Fire spun around the Djinn, the temperature raising and the rush of desert spice filling the air. )