July 12th, 2017



May 24th evening

Who: Esme & Tyson
Brother and sister catch up time..And Esme's day of bizarre events
When: May 24th, Morning, mid afternoon and early evening.
Where: Esme's wagon & The midway
Description of past torture, seizures and foul language (From Esme as well..because hey, she's a Haywood)



May 25th. (Free Prompt: Judgement - Reversed)

My head hurts

I need to speak with all the employees currently having nightmares, convulsions, or other such strange symptoms.
I will be visiting the Bandaid Station to check on anyone there.

ooc )



Who: Catherine & Kennet
What: Kennet checks up on his Seer who's bein' a little crazy.
When: May 25th, early evening.
Where: Outside of Cat's trailer
Warnings: A bit of a descent into madness w/anxiety attack, likely language, will be updated as it comes up.

Management hadn't made him Ringmaster for no reason, after all. )

Prompt: Strength

WHO: Maddy and Issac
WHAT: Private Chat
WHEN: May 22nd, after skinny-dipping. [backdated]
WHERE: By the Apartments.

I'm not sure if we should tag him to have him react with that face each time he sees someone swimming or leave the man with the burned image of our naked butts running away from him. )