May 3rd, 2017



Who: Callum & Catherine
What: Conversational shenanigans
When: May 1st, late afternoon, St. Francesville
Where: Along the midway at first, then the dining tent.
Warnings: Language, momentary smuttiness in the form of a book quote from The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, discussions of the wolf eatin' people. And a dog. He ate the dog.
Status: Complete

A girl and her puppydog. )



Who: Rhine, Gwen
What: Cold feet.
When: May 1st, evening
Where: The burlesque tent
Rating: TBD!

Was this really the best choice? )



Who: Madeline Kemp and Open
What: A girl's gotta eat
When: May 1, morning
Where: Dining hall
Warnings: Will update as needed

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