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robert pattinson. [Apr. 7th, 200907:11 pm]

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Oh, Rob. ♥ On the eighth day, the Flying Spaghetti Monster smoked some really good weed and created Robert Pattinson as proof that he loves us and wants us to be happy. I adore this young man ever so much. For as much as I'm not a Twilight fan, I am actually glad that he's in it; he made the movie tolerable and the fact that it's so publicized means that I get more pictures of him in roles other than Cedric Diggory (who was one of the two biggest highlights of Goblet of Fire, the other one being David Tennant). And, since the Twilight publicity has helped Little Ashes get out there, which appeases my fangirling of Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca, I can't really bear any resentment.

On that note: I don't celeb, but if I ever tried, I'd totally ship Rob/Javier Beltran, and that would be one instance where I'd think about asking for lines at a PB game based on the actors having been in a project together.

Knowing me, I'll come back and do more GoF banners later, but, for now, have a grab-bag of photoshoots, Twilight, How to Be, Little Ashes, Bad Mother's Handbook, The Haunted Airman, and one GoF. ♥

21 robert pattinson banners. )


james van der beek. [Mar. 27th, 200903:48 pm]

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So, I never really watched Dawson's Creek. Cartoons were more up my alley than teen dramas, still are, and, since I didn't really watch his show, James Van Der Beek didn't really pop up on my "oh, I should check him out" radar.

Then he played Tobias Hankel on Criminal Minds, in two of my very favorite episodes. All icons are from said episodes. Personally, I think he'd make a good werewolf, but the prevalence of computer things would make him an equally good hacker or gamer. Or serial killer, he could do that too.

As ever, this show is a bitch to icon.

50 james van der beek. )

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paolo nutini. [Feb. 28th, 200902:30 pm]

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Words do no express how much I love Paolo. They really, really don't.

6 paolo nutini + 7 banners. )


thomas gibson. [Feb. 28th, 200902:42 am]

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There are oh so many things to say about this man and this set, the first thing being that I have nothing but loathing for the lighting on Criminal Minds. Then there's how the faces he makes in the caps I worked with made me want to title this post, "What's Up Aaron Hotchner's Bum?". Then... well, I don't have a third thing, but I adore this man.

All of the icons feature him as Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds.

81 thomas gibson. )

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boris kolesnikov. [Feb. 27th, 200910:03 pm]

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This boy. Oh my god, I love this boy. He's just so impossibly gorgeous, and he has a lovely, old school sort of charm. He alternately reminds me of Salvador Dali, Peter Lorre, Charlie Chaplin, any of Oscar Wilde's boyfriends, and the Terry Boot I used to play with him as a PB.

14 boris kolesnikov banners. )


lindsay lohan. [Feb. 24th, 200903:16 pm]

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This set made me sort of sad, if only because she used to be so cute, before all the wretchedly bad decisions. All but one are from the beginning of Mean Girls, and I'll probably be making more later.

41 lindsay lohan + 2 banners )


[Jan. 28th, 200902:58 pm]

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bradley james )

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[Jan. 25th, 200902:57 am]

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30 dirk mai )


[Jan. 14th, 200907:07 pm]

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106 paul griffiths )

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matthew gray gubler, 2. [Jan. 8th, 200903:23 pm]

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sexbirthdeath1466.png fisherkingb1550.png jones0596.png

104 matthew gray gubler + 12 banners. )

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matthew gray gubler. [Jan. 8th, 200903:16 pm]

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Goodness gracious, I love this man. He's adorable himself, and his character on Criminal Minds (Dr. Spencer Reid) is adorkable enough that my dad ships Me/Reid. The only thing I don't like about this set was negotiating the Criminal Minds lighting and coloring. Honestly, if anything drives me to drink in the near future, it will be the lighting and coloring on Criminal Minds. When it's good, it's very, very good; when it's bad, it's migraine-inducing.

And his glasses. Gosh, if he were a ginger, I'd totally use him for Percy Weasley.

distress1976.png somebodyswatching2542.png somebodyswatching4140.png distress0531.png

250 matthew gray gubler. )

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patrick fugit. [Jan. 8th, 200901:53 pm]

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I won't lie: I loved his character on House. "Whack-A-Mole" is one of my favorite favorite episodes, and it's accompanied in here by some Saved! icons, where he's just as cute but less ill. There will probably be more of him once I cap Wristcutters too; he's absolutely adorable there.

saved1994.png house-whack0040.png house-whack0564.png

93 patrick fugit. )


gaspard ulliel. [Jan. 8th, 200901:37 pm]

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So, he's been iconned to death already, but I do love me some Gaspard. And, as I was saying to [info]splott and [info]fruityoatybar last night, there is never a reason to avoid gratuitously iconning a beautiful man.

NB: All icons are from Hannibal Rising, so be wary of blood. It's not excessive, but it's there.

46 gaspard ulliel + 3 banners )

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misc. banners post 2. [Jan. 8th, 200901:01 pm]

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misc. banners -- fiona apple, jackson rathbone, carl barat, owen wilson, david tennant, sailor moon manga, evan rachel wood, claire danes, mathias lauridsen, robert pattinson, cillian murphy, hot fuzz. )


misc. banners post 1. [Jan. 8th, 200901:00 pm]

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Hey, hey, folks! I'm Kassie, a new iconner here at [info]chimerically, and I'll preemptively apologize for your flists. I'm kicking things off with a few different posts. ♥

misc. banners -- kirsten dunst, tom sturridge, ellen page, amanda seyfried, jena malone, john patrick amedori, mitch hewer, mike bailey, ryan donowho. )


[Jan. 7th, 200907:05 pm]

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102 hunter parrish )


[Dec. 10th, 200812:03 am]

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40 oliver cheshire )

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[Oct. 8th, 200810:48 pm]

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105 matthew followill )

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[Oct. 8th, 200808:39 pm]

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22 christina cole )


[Oct. 8th, 200808:07 pm]

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53 angel coulby )


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