chimerically - March 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 27th, 2009

james van der beek. [Mar. 27th, 200903:48 pm]


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So, I never really watched Dawson's Creek. Cartoons were more up my alley than teen dramas, still are, and, since I didn't really watch his show, James Van Der Beek didn't really pop up on my "oh, I should check him out" radar.

Then he played Tobias Hankel on Criminal Minds, in two of my very favorite episodes. All icons are from said episodes. Personally, I think he'd make a good werewolf, but the prevalence of computer things would make him an equally good hacker or gamer. Or serial killer, he could do that too.

As ever, this show is a bitch to icon.

50 james van der beek. )

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