June 21st, 2008

[info]arbor_vitae in [info]chimeracafe

Parsel Fest is up and running!

[info]parsel_fest § [info]parsel_fest § [info]parsel_fest

Come join us for the gift exchange celebrating the pairing of Harry Potter/Tom Riddle-Lord Voldemort! All ratings and threesomes, moresomes, and other pairings welcome, as long as Harry/Tom-Voldemort is the focus pairing. Sign ups start on June 29; posting starts on the Autumn Equinox.

Rules and more information

Mark your calendars! Sign ups will begin on June 29. :-)

Go here to grab a promotion banner and icon!

[info]hphaeton in [info]chimeracafe

Fic: Some Peace Inside - PG-13 - Voldemort/Harry - Oneshot

Title: Some Peace Inside
Author: Phaeton
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~ 1400
Summary: Voldemort takes Harry to a Christmas Fair.
Warnings: sappiness, mentions of torture and dubious consent

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and various other companies such as Bloomsbury, Scholastics, and Warner Brothers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Author’s Notes (if any): REPOST! This was written for the Tom/Harry Winter Ficathon 2006 on Chimeracafe @ LJ. My prompt was ornament.

Some Peace Inside