Children of Eden - April 19th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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April 19th, 2014

[Apr. 19th, 2014|10:06 am]


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Who: Morgan and OPEN (multiple threads possible)
Where: The Avalon
When: Week 12, Saturday night
Why: Slaves night
Warning: TBD, may include swearing, sexual content, D/s, BDSM, intoxication

There he goes. My baby walks so slow. Sexual tic tac toe. )
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[Apr. 19th, 2014|09:21 pm]


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Who: Derek and Isaac
Where: The Festival
When: Week 12; Saturday morning
Why: Isaac braves the festival, and Derek rewards him.
Warnings: TBD, likely some mild sexual content, harassment by locals, swearing.

Don't you look at me so smug, and say I'm going bad. )
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