Children of Eden - January 22nd, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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January 22nd, 2014

[Jan. 22nd, 2014|06:23 am]


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WHO: Laura and Alice
WHERE: Hale Estate, Laura's Room
WHEN: Week 7, Thursday Afternoon
WHY: Alice has taken lessons from Jenn and is working all kinds of hard on them

She'd written the steps down so that she wouldn't forget. )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2014|03:14 pm]
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WHO: Karena and Leo
WHERE: Carrick's Estate
WHEN: Week 7, Thursday Evening
WHY: Because they're stuck in the same house and Karena has not fed in a few days

I wanna survive an avalanche. I wanna be one of those people a dog finds buried under a ton of snow, almost dying of starvation. )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2014|09:54 pm]


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Who: Lydia and John
Where: Lydia's
When: Week 7, Sunday evening
Why: John's dirty with nasty rags for clothes, Lydia intends to change that.
Warnings: There's going to be some naked washing, which is never all that innocent.

Cleansing )
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