Children of Eden - January 18th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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January 18th, 2014

Full Moon [Jan. 18th, 2014|07:32 pm]


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Who: Derek and Laura
Where: Crescent Hills Preserve
When: Week 7 - Tuesday night
Why: Some wolves decided to brave the snow.
Warnings: TBA

I call out to other werewolves in hopes of a response. As my call reverberates through the trees, I hear others as they call back to me. 'I am here' they say, 'Come find me, I am lonely' I call back to them. - Tina Morgan )
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[Jan. 18th, 2014|11:12 pm]
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Who: Jenn and Jeremy
Where: Hale Estate
When: Week 7, Tuesday, Afternoon
Why: Jenn is lost and bumps into Jeremy
Warnings: TBA

Do you fear the company of wolves? )
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