Children of Eden - January 16th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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January 16th, 2014

[Jan. 16th, 2014|12:30 am]


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Who: Isaac and Derek (Uncle Paul-NPC)
Where: Hale house,
When: Week 7 - Monday afternoon
Why: Someone spiked Isaac's lemonade, and he's feeling the effects
Warning: Intoxication, sexual content, copious amounts of dirty talk

Oh, the things I want to do with you... )
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[Jan. 16th, 2014|04:32 pm]


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WHO: Tabi and Fenrir
WHERE: Dobson manor
WHEN: Week 7. Mon. Night.
WHY: Time for bed and nothing's warmer for a couple of lambs than a ram.
WARNING: Nothing yet

Time to sleep sweet lamb )
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[Jan. 16th, 2014|06:49 pm]


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WHO: Lucius and Buffy, Ambrose too
WHERE: Ambrose's House
WHEN: Week 7. Thursday Late Morning
WHY: Best friends catching up in a totally chill and relaxed setting that isn't at all tense in any way!
WARNINGS: Language, mention of previous violence in the house, and some actual violence now

I can't ignore this war. At the end of it all, who am I living for? )
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The Great Escape [Jan. 16th, 2014|07:12 pm]


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Who: Stefan and Tabi
Where: Tabitha's House
When: Week 7 - Tuesday night
Why: Stefan feels a little trapped.
Warnings: TBA

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. - Carl Reiner )
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[Jan. 16th, 2014|10:15 pm]
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[Current Mood | anxious]

WHO: Jenn and Mir
WHERE: Hale Estate
WHEN: Week 7. Monday. Night.
WHY: Jenn is climbing the walls

Lost down shit creek without a paddle )
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[Jan. 16th, 2014|11:18 pm]


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WHO: Carrick and Russell
WHERE: Carrick's house
WHEN: Week 7. Very late Sunday night
WHY: Carrick promised to come to Russ before morning...
WARNING: Sex, surprisingly. Light bondage.
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