Children of Eden - October 11th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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October 11th, 2013

[Oct. 11th, 2013|07:42 pm]
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Who: Jennifer Garcia & Vladimir Fortunatov
Where: Fortunatov Estate
When: Week 1, Thursday, Morning
Why: Because Mir has a sex drive
Warnings: Slavery, Sex, TBA

Whilst Emry is cleaning, they can get dirty )
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[Oct. 11th, 2013|07:50 pm]


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Who: Buffy, a journal Ambrose left for her to find, and eventually maybe Ambrose
Where: Ambrose's home
When: Week 1, Thursday Evening
Why: Buffy's about to sneak out of the house and blow off some steam when she finds something interesting to read instead.
Warning: Mentions of slavery and violence. Some language.

What's left behind. )
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