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[15 Sep 2018|01:23pm]

I've lived through a lot of natural disasters. This one could be one of the worst. Or because it's 2018, it'll be one of the easiest that people live through. Technology connects us in ways we haven't seen before. You can check yourself in safe on Facebook and evacuation was possible a lot earlier than in the past because of television, the internet, radio... It'll be interesting to see what happens. And what happens from the government. On that front, I don't have high hopes.

[26 Apr 2018|05:08pm]

So, I will be giving a formal presentation at the library about ocean currents next Saturday at 3:00 pm and everyone should come. They are SLOWING DOWN and this is totally bad. Let me tell you why.

[forum] [15 Apr 2018|08:16pm]

As many of you already know, there are vampires going into rage randomly. These are some vampires we've worked with before. If you come across them, try to subdue first. If not, then kill.

I have a rager detained here. Would you like to pick him up or have him delivered?

[texts; wynn] [15 Apr 2018|01:27am]

- I feel like I should stop seeing Nik.
- I mean I've been seeing him a lot lately.
- Might be getting attached.
- Trying to keep him at arms length will start getting weird soon.

[texts; wynn] [13 Mar 2018|12:40am]

A little birdie told me you're attempting to gain favor with the queen.

[text; godric] [20 Jan 2018|09:01pm]

- proms are traditionally in spring.
- we have 3 months!
- four tops!

[forum; public] [17 Jan 2018|06:45pm]

Tfw you go back to school to a room full of smiling little face and realize your holiday is officially over.

A few days late, but I've been SO busy.

[forum; private to tyler] [11 Jan 2018|12:54am]

Is this you?

I feel like you'd be this cute.

[08 Jan 2018|06:55pm]

TFW you're trying to be in a better mood this week than you were last week but it's Monday morning and some asshole has already blocked you into your driveway and not even left a number to call to get their ass to move. They're lucky I love my truck too much to just nudge them out of my path.

They're doubly lucky I no longer have an all terrain assault vehicle at my disposal.

[text to josey] [21 Dec 2017|01:49am]

- josey.
- my heart.
- please tell me you don't have a dress yet.

[forum; private to nik] [12 Dec 2017|11:23pm]

I have something for you.

[forum; public] [12 Dec 2017|08:35pm]


[forum; public] [12 Dec 2017|08:29pm]

Does anyone know how to cheer up restless spirits during the holidays? Asking for a friend.

[06 Dec 2017|09:55pm]

The museum will be having a Christmas Ball this year, for the first time in over a century. A proper ball, with black tie tails and beautiful ball gowns. I'm formally inviting everyone. Please RSVP so I can make sure to have the proper amount of food and drink. I can't wait to see it again in its full glory.

[12 Nov 2017|04:23pm]

Is there anyone out there that is an expert in dream interpretation? Dreams that are very, very real. Last night, in my dreams, I was running through the bramble thicket on the museum grounds, and when I woke up I was covered in small scratches and scrapes. My husband and the other people that live with us swear up and down that I didn't leave the bed. Any thoughts?

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