OOC for Chaos Precip's Journal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in OOC for Chaos Precip's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
    10:12 pm
    More Mod Post


    One of the things I am hearing most is "Insane Journal keeps losing tags, that's why I don't play".

    8:42 pm
    Mod post
    For future reference in tags.

    Plots should be tagged as "plot: (plot name)" eg; plot: mammoth caves
    Locations should be tagged as "location: (location name)" eg; location: chicago
    Character tags do not need to have character: (name), they'll still just be (name)

    Please try to remember to tag everything, and if you choose to go back and tag old things appropriately I'll be thrilled.

    Wiki stuff
    I want to have canon pages, so hat if we ever get more players (go recruit, people) they'll have a good idea of what the alternate history for the canons are. I'm willing to do the grunt-work on that. If you have any major canon changes that are not in your applications please, please, PLEASE post here and let me know. This will make it easier on everyone in the long run.

    Posting remains very, very slow. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can make this game more interesting, please let me know. I'm willing to run personal plots, to do more game-wide plots, pretty much whatever it takes. Just let me know and I'll do it, guys.

    I've got a couple of places to look for more players, but it'd be wicked awesome if you guys could shop us around as well. This goes into the last one, more people will mean more things going on which means more activity which means more fun.

    New wiki section on terms we use, such as how affiliation levels are used.
    Saturday, March 17th, 2012
    11:08 am
    Post tags
    Hey, guys? A lot of the posts don't have all appropriate tags on them. Do me a favour and go back to things you've played in and drop your character's tag into them. I got some today, but I probably missed others.
    Friday, January 20th, 2012
    5:57 pm
    Wiki update w/ downtime
    The site was down since yesterday morning due to snow in Seattle. It's up again and no further outages are expected. I apologize for the interruption in service.
    Monday, January 16th, 2012
    1:35 am
    Wiki update and general information
    There is now a wiki for the game found at http://chaosprecip.memesis.org/

    The wiki is read-only to the general public, and requires account creation to edit. Please contact a mod to get set up. Anyone with an account can edit any page, except those pages that have been protected.

    This is not a Wikia site; this is MediaWiki - the same software used at Wikipedia. It is hosted on its own computer - my computer, in fact :) If it turns out that the community prefers Wikia or something else, I'll make arrangements to transfer over data.

    Since I'm not in the game, I won't be editing anyone's actual content, but I will be making edits to link pages together, categorize pages, and the like. My goal is for the people running the game to have time to do so, and not get bogged down in administration or fiddly wiki editing details.

    If you have questions, please post and I'll try to answer.
    Sunday, January 15th, 2012
    8:44 pm
    Mini-contest? IDK
    Ladies and gentlemen, this is Buoy!

    Unofficially, Buoy is our mascot, in that we don't have a mascot right now. SOOOO...

    Draw Buoy. We need a 135X135 icon to set for the wiki, and I'mma thinking that everyone who can draw, should draw a Buoy. One of those (voted on by all y'all) will be the new wiki logo.
    Wednesday, January 11th, 2012
    9:13 pm
    Is this thing on?

    Okay! Some questions!

    1) Does anyone want us to move our information onto a wiki? I've got a friend willing to help me learn how to use such things.

    2) Don't forget that you can update new places, plants, and animals at whim. In addition, I'm starting to illustrate the animals...but hey! Other people want to draw pictures too? Go for it!

    3) We're talking about expanding information on the various species, such as primary diets, what they're descended from, and so on. Thoughts on that? Anything that doesn't jive with current characters can be ignored/grandfathered out for current characters.

    4) Currently running plots:
    ~Main storyline (Batou & Remy H, and the TJ, Clarice, Havelock group are currently active)
    ~Apprentice abuser storyline (Batou & Remy H)
    ~Mammoth Caves (L & Aya Brea)
    ~Slavery plot (Cloak & Dagger)
    Anyone who doesn't have something going on can feel free to ping me and I'll happily either slide you into something or give you something new to play with. Non-plot related things going on include Eve and Raz just being kids at each other, and Butterfly wandering around the south east.

    5) New player! Whee! Everyone say hi!
    Sunday, March 20th, 2011
    7:52 pm
    Slugs, the second post.
    Okay, in the next day or so the slug fighting post will go up.


    However I am only human, and tend to flail at the possibility of hurting characters other than my own. SO.

    You can feel free to throw slugs at each other, to write drabbles of what your characters are doing as long comments, and generally have an anti-slug free-for-all.

    If you've seen the film "Slither", that's the slugs we're dealing with. So you have your choice of actual slugs, or slug-controlled zombie people. The slugs CAN use their host's alignments, but not very well. All of the people in Shibuya are Aligned level, so it's poor use of low powers.

    There will be a main control slug/person, I'm going to use a random number generator to decide who to throw that one at. :) So at SOME POINT all the slugs will drop, but you won't know who it was until they do so.
    Monday, February 28th, 2011
    1:33 pm
    Well, ladies and gentleman we have our first plotty thing!

    Kitanji Megumi, of Shibuya, California, has sent out a request to Billy Pardy for help with his current mind-controlling-slugs situation. Due to the extremely low power of the people in the town, they're pretty helpless right now.

    After Bill has shaken off his initial reaction, the Organisation will be sending out "please help these folks" notices, and any characters who want to go pound on slugs will be welcome to do so.

    For some idea of how these little suckers operate you can check out "Slither", Bill's home canon, or just run with "they're big, brown, and fuck with your braaaaaaaain!"
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