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Jun. 14th, 2010


Who: Zoe and Takuto
Where: From the Niflheim Mansion out into the Emptiness near Asgard’s side
When: In the early morning of “Your Own Worst Enemy” malfunction day
Ratings/Warning: Probably pg to pg13 or so to be safe
Summary: Zoe decides to make use of the strange malfunction day and journeys out to Asgard’s side of the Emptiness with the intentions of casting an illusion on their mansion. However, Takuto throws a little wrench into her plans when he meets up with her in the form of his vampiric jailer.

Angels and vampires (What demons?) )

May. 30th, 2010


Trial 3, Second Day: Niflheim Team

Who: Belphegor, Myre, Naoya, Reno, Rufus, Zoe
When: Morning, the second day of the trial
Where: Somewhere in an illusion
What: Trial #3 continues!
Rating: PG-13 as a base estimate--Let me know if I should change it.

And on the second day... )

May. 17th, 2010


Trial 3 Begins: Niflheim Team

Who: Belphegor, Myre, Naoya, Reno, Rufus, Zoe
When: Morning, the first day of the trial
Where: Somewhere in an illusion
What: Trial #3 is underway!
Rating: PG-13 as a base estimate--Let me know if I should change it.

Some kind of obstacle course )

Dec. 9th, 2009


Trial 3, Day 1: Niflheim Team

Who: Lucifer and Jophiel to start, then Belphegor, Myre, Reno, Rufus, Walter, and Zoe
Where: Starting outside Emptiness, and then as described.
When: December 9th, early afternoon
Ratings: PG, let me know if this needs to be changed
Warnings: None, let me know if this needs to be changed
Summary: Trial 3 begins.

Day 1 )

Sep. 12th, 2009


Niflheim's night out

Who: Reno, Flauros, Belphegor, Midvalley, Yako, Myre, and anyone else who wants to join in. No Asgardian party-crashers allowed! >P
When: Starting at eightish
Where: Emptiness
Rating: PG-13? Will change if necessary
Warnings: Language, most likely, and anything else that ensues when Niflheimers get drunk in a group
What: Reno's idea of going to a bar managed to be a popular suggestion.

Forget the caffe latte, screw the raspberry iced tea/A malibu and coke for you, a g&t for me )

[ooc: There are enough people around that keeping to a strict posting order is going to be kind of frustrating, and it's not tremendously important since I don't think anything too plotful is going to happen here. So basically just post as you can, and if you notice someone hasn't said anything for a while, step back and give them an opportunity to jump back in. Hopefully that'll work out well enough.]

Sep. 5th, 2009


Who: Zoe and [Open]
Where: The Niflheim's Mansion
When: Immediately after her arrival, around noon
Ratings: PG, subject to go up
Warnings: None that I can think of...but PG to be safe.
Summary: Zoe finds herself near the Niflheim mansion and immediantly begins to situate herself.
She Arrives...for serious lack of a better title )