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Sep. 20th, 2008


Who: Maria and Tohru
When: Day of the new arrivals
Where: 303 in Asgard
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Maria drops by Tohru's room to take advantage of the offer of closet space.

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice... )

Jun. 23rd, 2008


"I could be wholesome, I could be loathsome..."

Who: Alice and Will
Where: Asgard, Room 303 (AKA: Will's Room)
When: Hours after Alice leaves a message on Will's phone.
Rating: PG-13, subject to change to PG or who knows?
Warnings: A slightly scary, upset Will?
Summary: After leaving Will a voice message on his phone out of concern, offering to spend time with him without asking any questions about what happened or why, Alice becomes concerned even more by his lack of a reply. Daring what she hadn't before, Alice decides to go to Will's room to see him.

Guess i'm a little bit shy. )

Jun. 14th, 2008


Waking up in someone else's skin

Who: Glitch (open)
Where: Room 303 in Asgard
When: The day the bodies swapped
Rating: PG-PG 13
Warnings: None as of yet
Summary: Glitch wakes to find himself not only in a room he's never seen, but in a body that is not his (more TBA)

Poor boy has lost his mind )

May. 22nd, 2008


Pain doesn't matter if you're dead or drunk.

Who: Henry and Will (finished)
Where: Room 303
When: After L's rescue
Rating:PG-13, subject to change.
Warnings: Drunkeness, language, mentions of violence, things like that
Summary: Henry goes to the resident alkie's for a drink

Why not try both? )

(OOC: this as good as the html is going to get while i'm typing one-handed.)