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Aug. 4th, 2009


After Death

Who: Schroedinger and Dorian
When: Day after K/B wedding
Where: Looking Glass Lake
Ratings: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Now that things have started to calm down again, Dorian takes a trip to Looking Glass Lake to clear his mind(s). Schroedinger encounters him there and they talk.

This Is Life As We Know It )

Jun. 10th, 2009


Second Trial, Sixth Match

Who: Metatron, Lucifer, Sandalphon, Kain and Schroedinger
When: 12 PM, June 8th
Where: A mysterious arena far from the usually travelled regions in the realm.
Rating: PG, may go up.
Warnings: Fighting.
Summary: Lucifer and Metatron send their representatives on their way. The walk is hazy and disjointed, as if the path to the place refuses to be remembered. Upon their arrival, they know a battle is to take place. Kain vs. Schro!

Versus! Round Six! Fight! )

Apr. 20th, 2009


We don't have time for this--

Who: Schro and open~
Summary: He's in the shop where he last saw L, where he hid the wind-up mouse again. He starts playing with it until he realizes that he is not alone.
Where: Said shop in Emptiness.
When: Today, round noon.
Rating/Warning: PG? Maybe G, depending on who replies. No warnings, except Schro will be fiercely protective of his toy.

Keep your head down - we're not safe yet. )
Lyrics from Frou Frou's "Shhh".

Dec. 15th, 2008


You fall away from your past...

Who: Schro & open
Where: A shop in Emptiness
When: 2 pm today
Summary: Schro thinks about his current predicament, and tries to figure out how and when he changed.
But its following you. )

Nov. 8th, 2008


I-L-L-I-N-O-I-S! Ring The Bell And Call Or Write Us! (finished)

Who: L and Schroedinger
When: After the Halloween party. A... day later, maybe?
Where: Near Asgard, in the forest. L is keeping an eye on Fox and another out for mean dragons.
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: None yet.
Summary: Now's a pretty good time to tempt L towards the dark side. Someone clever enough to exploit L's growing doubt in whether or not it's worth it to be one of the "good guys" could either gain a huge advantage for Niflheim... or be caught off-guard by some impressive resolution on L's part.

Do You Know the Ghost Community? Sound the Horn, Address the City... )

Oct. 18th, 2008


I don't feel any shame; I won't apologize.~

Who: Schroedinger and Dorian ((Other Asgardians that are not specified are free to notice Schro, and L and Misa's posts are coming up soon-ish. Mayhaps tomorrow.))

Where: Anywhere within Asgard except in his room. Outside, I think, is what we agreed apon? >_>;

When: Today at idk 2:00 pm?

Summary: Schroedinger takes Banru's suggestion based on what Schro thought would be the best thing for Niflheim to do, and take a survey, more or less, on what the Asgardians' weaknesses are before he sees what his side's strengths are. He meets Dorian, (And these guys eventually: L Lawliet, Misa Amane) to see what Niflheim is up against, and what counter-measures might work in their favours, and try to figure out the layout of the building as well.

Warnings: Possible language and violence, lies by the brain full.

And I Leave Behind This Hurricane Of Fucking Lies. )

Aug. 4th, 2008


Batten Down The Hatches

Who: Schroedinger and Sal {OPEN}
Where: Niflheim's Ship
When: Fourth Afternoon of Pirate Week
Rating: PG-13 (subject to change)
Warnings: Threats, Language, Sal Shooting Schro
Summary: After a string of big-talk/little-man conversations, Schroedinger and Sal decide to meet on the ship of Niflheim. They sound catty, almost playful, but for a pair of crazy assholes, things generally tend to be more than what they appear.

With a graveyard tan and carrying a cross, it doesn't remind me of anything )

Jul. 17th, 2008


Who: Schroedinger and L ((whenever you can, L-mun. ^^))
Where: Sometime after he enters Asgard.
When: Today, around 2-ish?
What: He decides to check out Asgard to deliver a 'message' to Luke.
Rating: Ah, PG, for one word, but it might go higher.
Warning: The rating has it. Um... Cockiness?
Summary: Schroedinger finely goes to Asgard upon Mello's request. Sadly, he has no idea who L is. He saunters across the barrier with ease, and wanders about until he finds said person.

You've got mail. )

Jul. 8th, 2008


Flauros Log OPEN

Who: Allen//Flauros and OPEN
Where: The Forest
When: The third night that Flauros has been here
Rating: PG-13  - R
Warnings: Allen's mouth, some blood, and a fluffy critter becomes dinner.
Summary:  Flauros decides to do a little exploring in the forest in his leopard form.