April 23rd, 2010

[info]itsmydayoff in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hiatus + Impromptu plotting post

Apologies for my not having been around the past several days. I got hit with a really nasty sinus/chest infection and haven't had the energy or motivation to do much of anything. Antibiotics seem to be kicking in now, so I'm getting better.

That said, I'm about to go off on a family vacation. There should be internet available, but I am unlikely to be sitting at a computer very much, so I'll be available sporadically at best. If you really need to get a message to me, send me an email at jiang1ling2 at gmail. I'll go post on the official hiatus thread in a moment.

Life should be back to normal for me as of May 5, so Trial 3 will start after that. Let's say the 9th? In the meantime, feel free to use this post for plotting purposes. If you have a character that wants to set up some interactions, post here and/or see who else has posted. This is an open forum for plotting with people and coming up with ideas for getting things moving.

For information, trial 3 will be an obstacle/puzzle course. There will be two identical courses, one for each side, and characters will go through them in teams. More details to be posted closer to the event, I just wanted to throw that out so people have some idea what's coming up.

Belle-- I don't have time at the moment to post with Luci about your request, but I'll send you an email with my thoughts.