March 31st, 2010

[info]itsmydayoff in [info]chaosu_ooc

Mod Post~

First of all, I want to say sorry for not being around recently. First I was sick and sleeping all the time, and then I was busy getting ready for my chorus competition and then actually being at my chorus competition last weekend (we won ^_^). And then just now I realized that I've barely looked at this RP for a while, and I am sorry about that.

I have a question for the players in general: Is everybody up for actually doing Trial #3 in the near future? Like... starting in a week or two?

For any new people, we tried to do the third trial back in December, but it died because everyone was busy with Christmas things, and we postponed it. I just realized it's time for me to schedule malfunctions again and thought since we don't have any more malfunctions currently planned that now would be a good time to set up the trial again. If I'm way off on that, tell me. Otherwise expect another announcement soon about how Trial #3 is going to work.

And while I'm here, feel free to comment with any general suggestions as well.

Meanwhile, I'll be catching up on everything I missed. ♥ Love you guys.