May 3rd, 2009

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hiatus Thread

Alright, people! No more posting directly to the OOC board about hiatuses and returns as of now. This is the thread where you can let people know that you're going to be gone, for about how long, why (if you want to share) and post in a comment reply to it when you return.

1) Do not delete your own hiatus and return notices - leave them up so that other people can see you've come back. The mods will delete the comments every few weeks or so.

2) Please remember to do a return notice, if only so that we know when you've truly returned.

3) If you need an example hiatus post and return post, there is one below.

4)I'll be linking to this through the link index on the side tab of both CU communities. If you can't find it there, check the OOC community tags for 'hiatus thread'. If you still can't find that, Lucifer and Metatron will have a side link to it in their own journals.

Let me know if you think any more should be explained.

Also, if anyone does post a hiatus post on the board, I'll be deleting it and putting it down here, or asking the person to do it. Schro-mun, I put yours in here just to start the trend. xD

[info]keele in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hi~ I just thought I'd do the intro thing real quick. My name is Lady and I'm sort of a new person around here. I'm weird and random and I like my corners. My AIM is Engaging Fate if you'd like to chitchat about anything; I'm not antisocial.


Thus far I'm bringing Keele from the Tales of Eternia game (he is sort of a wimpchan so break him in gently). Yay Asgardians! For those who aren't familiar with the character or game all of his information is linked on his profile page. I don't start playing for a few days, so is there anyone willing to plot anything in the meantime? 8D

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc


Okay, I'll be honest, I was totally going to post something in roleplay secrets but I thought I'd be ballsy about it. (Please don't have a heart attack guys, it's not that kind of secret)

Cut for friendly, OOC sap. )

[info]schroedinger in [info]chaosu_ooc

If you've heard anything on the news about the Anti-bullying bill, here's your chance to act.

I just checked my email, and I got this. I'm posting the link to the sites and info I know at the moment, along with the listed co-sponsers. I think applies to the US people only, though. :[ I thought it was important enough to post here, but if y'all'd rather it not, I can take it down.

Cut for length. )