February 9th, 2009

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

The Math Doesn't Lie

*brb, going to hit head on desk til I get concussion as punishment for my fail*

Eh, yes, I do apologise for being absent everyone, particularly when there is big awesome plot stuff going on. I won't bore anyone with details, but I can briefly sum it up with this little equation:

[Clara + snowy weather = delays on trains (Tired Clara + catching bug that makes Clara MISS her morning presentation!)]

[Sleepy/Sick Clara x 16 hours working week + catching up and worrying over missing presentation] =... FAIL!

Wow, after four years of nothing but English Lit, I can still do maths! Least I think that's right...

Anyway, many many apologies everyone, I hope I haven't caused any problems with my unnanounced absence. T_T I'll be post for Morana and Medusa tonight hopefully, and will be emailing around about plots and such. 

Again, sorry! ...Please don't hit me...*trembles*