Jan. 8th, 2010


Who: Elena Casimiro & Shiva.
What: Working out.
When: Week Six, Sunday, late morning. (I'm re-posting this thread to put it in the current week.)
Where: In & around the Pod.
Status: Active.

Becoming a Watcher again had not been the most fluid transition in the world. For years, Elena had put the supernatural out of sight and out of mind. Sure, there was the occasional cover-up of a vampire or demon killing at the NYPD, but otherwise, she had completely forgotten how to be a Watcher. She thought it would be like riding a bike, just simple muscle memory. It was not. There was so much to remember, so much to learn all over again; lately it felt like she spent all her time in the library, devouring any book she could get her hands on. Catching up with her peers was like trying to win a race after starting a hundred yards behind everyone else. Always an early bloomer in life, that was not something Elena had really experienced before. And around Beth, she felt more lost than ever. Training Esperanza had been so easy -- but that was over a decade ago, and Elena was no longer the same person. She was tough, hardened, bitter, and while Beth was a nice enough girl, she was not her best friend. Elena would never be the Watcher she had been before. Now she just had to figure out how to be one at all.

After finishing up in the library, Elena ducked into a semiprivate corner to change, her sense of modesty long gone. She stripped down quickly, trading her cargo pants for a pair of stretchy black yoga pants and her turtleneck for a sports bra. Pulling her hair back, she emerged to leave her clothes (and the duffel bag containing them) at an empty table before heading outside. Nearly half an hour later, she was back from a six mile run, sweaty and breathless and more at ease than she'd felt in days. The crisp air -- cooler than usual that morning -- reminded her of home; if she closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of traffic, she could almost imagine she was back in Manhattan. Not the safest thing to do while one was out running, but it worked for a few seconds at least. As she stood outside the Pod, stretching her arms over her head, Elena glanced around. With all the people milling about this place, it shouldn't have been too hard to find a sparring partner. Even if it did mean she'd probably have to make small talk. She could handle that. For a little while.

Nov. 20th, 2009


Who: Beth Holden and Elena Casimiro
What: A new Watcher for a new Slayer
When: Week Four, Day Four
Where: Elena's office, the Pod

We're all about sharing and caring )

Nov. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Elena & Giles.
WHEN: Week Three, Tuesday (November 2, 2004).
WHAT: Elena arrives in LA.
WHERE: Giles's office.
STATUS: Active.

It was a day Elena thought would never come. )