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[Feb. 18th, 2008|03:00 pm]
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Who: KD. Townsend
When: Monday after 4 p.m.
Where: Nook & Cranny

Kieran Townsend had been at his desk finishing up the remaining paper work on a case that would have been pretty much shut and closed in his opinion if only the body wouldn't have been stashed away elsewhere from the crime scene. It was one of those grotesque cases that involved a workaholic CEO who had strangled his stay at home wife with a wire clothes hanger when he'd flown off the handle the morning before an important meeting about a stain on the collar of his favorite two thousand dollar shirt. A stain that his three year old son had made with a marker. Tide with bleach had not taken it out, but couldn't the CEO had worn another shirt that morning and tried Mr. Clean's Magic eraser on it later before going Patrick Bateman on his poor wife? People freaked out too easily about irrelevant things, and what kind a shallow idiot killed someone they cared about over a shirt? In K.D's line of work the cases that usually ended up on his desk were motivated by either evil and sick fuckery or money and gain. Anymore it was hard to tell what would end up on his desk. People were crazy.

And it didn't help that some people in the bureau were giving him looks like he was the crazy one since they had heard, or more precisely snooped over his shoulder when he'd searched Amazon for a "Seance For Dummies" book. Could he help it if he was determined to talk to some people? People that were hard to get in contact with? He'd not had much luck finding anyone competent enough to hold a seance and Amazon didn't have any Seance For Dummies books...

After work K.D decided to stop by a book store he'd saw a flyer advertising at the scene where they'd found Mrs. Bateman wrapped in plastic garbage bags and duct tape with traces of the two thousand dollar shirt's fabric lodged deep under her fingernails...
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