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[Feb. 12th, 2008|01:10 pm]
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[mood | contemplative]

Who: Kari Erickson and Damion Sorosin
Where: The Secret Lab (shh)
When: After Star's kidnapping.
What: Who better to seek advice from than Fate itself? Too bad she's only Seven and cryptic at best.


Kari blinked a little as she looked at the tall man quietly. She hadn't been allowed to play outside in a long time, unless it was on the roof and away from other kids. In truth, Kari was lonely, but was assured with the knowledge that like all things...this too would eventually change. Things come to pass daily, as if someone had reached up and plucked at a string, the vibrations of the music bouncing off the strings of the others, each rippling into the other.

There was always a choice to be made, and the choices made determined the results of everything around them. In some ways, science had defined the nature of life in complete, concise words. Cause and effect. It was the only firm truth in life. Even when the gods had ruled, they had been subject to cause and affect.

No one understood that better than Loki, who she imagined was near the city. This one, or maybe one of the others where many were starting to gather. Some aware, some not.

Like Jack, who had no clue what he was...what he was capable of. The business world did not even know what he was capable of, but it would be great. So many were able to do great things....

Even Mr. Sorosin himself. But he didn't even know that about himself...or, then again, maybe he did.
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