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[Mar. 4th, 2008|11:17 pm]
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Who: Dante Price & Akana Bahur
Where: National Mall
When: Tuesday
What: Dan makes a nuisance of himself downtown

Biting into his apple, Dante watched as two old men had an argument about a twenty dollar bill they'd both found. It hadn't been lost in the first place, but they didn't know that. Now the men pushed at each other, each desperate to keep the money to themselves. They were getting a bit of help, of course.

Dante walked along the path, picking the piece of fruit clean as the argument faded out of earshot. One would take it all or they'd rip it. Nobody shared on his watch.

He scanned the area, looking at the people around him. Pickings were certainly slim, but then how many people had time to wander around the National Mall at this hour? Other than tourists, of course, but it was a little cold for them yet.

Oh well. Might as well head back.

Taking a final bite out of his apple, Dante aimed and threw, although he was slightly askew of the bin. One bounce off a woman's head and it hit the bottom of the basket with a soft clunk. Perfect!
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[Feb. 3rd, 2008|02:33 pm]
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Who: Akana and OPEN
Where: Posh Bar downtown
What: Drinking and thinking...of course


The bartender was watching her carefully, catching her cosmos before they were finished and making sure another was ready and waiting. She didn't know why she felt the need to drink herself into oblivion, but...she did. Everything was so wrong, and everything was pressing in on her, and she couldn't think of anything better to save her sanity with. A part of her was moodily grunting at the whole thing in the back of her mind, haughty and self-righteous. It was her shield in daily life, it was her weapon...

Her weakness.

Oh a whole she had been avoiding Paul's calls. And she had been diverting her activities from areas the former god might occupy. She had no desire to ask why she had handed the book to Seth. She had no desire to be questioned on her intent. Anubis would only be...disappointed.

Maybe even horrified?

"Another one, Miss?" The bartender asked, and she nodded. Another one, and another... Until she'd have a taxi take her home and she crawled into bed. This was the price, she supposed, of being human. A listlessness...a feeling of incompleteness.

"Hathor, where is your wisdom when I need it?"
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