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[Mar. 31st, 2008|07:27 pm]
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When: Monday, late afternoon
Who: Ceara and whoever's in the area.

Ceara sighed once, her computer'd gone down and she had a couple of papers due and without her laptop, she was stuck doing it the old fashioned way...mostly. She'd printed off some material while on campus at the computer lab, but she 'd needed some extra sources, so she'd come to one of her favorite bookstores in order to do some of her research and also because the coffee here was amazing. Small bonus, but she'd take what she could get right now.

She picked up another book from the huge stack she had next to her and started scanning through it for information.
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[Mar. 28th, 2008|03:09 am]
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Who: Donnie and OPEN
Where: Hot Topic
When: Monday afternoon

Donnie yawned and shifted the phone against his ear, waiting for the person on the other end to find the papers she was looking for. They were supposed to have a delivery, only the delivery hadn't turned up and chasing it up so that the date and time could be rescheduled was not something he'd really wanted to do. Why did these things always happen on a Monday?

He felt shitty. He'd felt shitty for the past few days, really. Galen's weird boyfriend had fucked up his trip, and with Rachel being pissed at him, it didn't make the comedown any better. Donnie had been off over the weekend, but now he was back at work and that made the shittiness rolling about in his gut ten times worse than it had been before.

Saturday night was haunting him too. He'd felt something, a genuine spark of...something with Galen. Rach had said he was probably love-drunk off the X, but it felt like more than that. It felt like something had clicked into place.

What though, Donnie didn't know. Maybe he'd just met somebody cool. It seemed to be the only thing that made sense...

"...hello? Hello, is someone there?"

Donnie blinked and returned to the land of the living. "Uh yeah, I'm here, sorry."

Sifting through the think pile of invoices, he scribbled a number down, nodding at the voice on the phone as he made a note of the new delivery date in the calendar. Joy.
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[Mar. 26th, 2008|09:00 pm]
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Who: Diana, Benjamin (possibly Jack if he feels so incline to pop up at some point)
Where: National Mall
When: Late afternoon

The weather had finally decided to turn springlike, for which Diana was grateful since she spent so much of her day outside or on a bus traversing the city, standing up and speaking into a microphone about all the lovely sights and historical trivia she had memorized ages ago. So what if sometimes she changed things up a bit and gave the not-so-historical trivia she had learned, most of these people would never know the difference and the juiciest stories were the ones that you couldn't fully corroborate anyway. Plus it got boring if she said the exact same things the exact same way every single time. For her and for her repeat customers.

Not that she got many of those and she saw so many people in a day it was unlikely she'd remember them if she did unless they stood out in some way. And this one? He stood out. He was adorable. So she made a point of going up to him after everyone had finally filed off the bus, "am I just that amazing or do you really like tour buses?"

Of course, she asked this with her cutest and you love me! smiles.
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[Mar. 26th, 2008|12:45 pm]
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Who: Shiloh and Peter
Where: National Mall
When: Saturday

Shiloh'd been walking in the Mall again. She'd just finished touring the Holocaust Museum and the National Archives. She'd seen most of the Washington museums now and she'd enjoyed most of them. The Holocaust museum had just made her angry though. Such a waste, such a loss! She had to go out to the Mall to walk and try to clear her head before rejoining her sister and going home.

She looked over to where the humans walked briskly, hurrying back and forth to their occupations, busily running through the skeins of their lives. Just then she thought she saw a familiar face.
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|11:03 pm]
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WHO: Nicky and Asti
WHERE: Battery Kimble?
WHEN: Shortly after the equinox
WHAT: A romantic little picnic with a possible twist

It really was a beautiful day. And it was turning warmer, which was a nice plus.

She was taking a day off from work, a "sick day" which really meant sick of working. He was playing hooky from classes, which was almost expected by now. And here they were, playing the couple that everyone sighed over and went "aren't they such a cute couple."

And she was happy, and she was here with Asti, and... really, she didn't see how things could get any more glorious.
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A Ring for a beautiful girl. [Mar. 25th, 2008|05:07 pm]
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Who: Asti
Where: Jewelry Store
When: Monday afternoon

So many rings... How was someone supposed to pick a ring when there were so many to pick from. Big, small, pretty...ugly. Pricey.

The one Asti truly wanted to get Nicky was a beautiful platinum diamond ring, but it was 6,000 dollars. With a discount. Frowning, he looked at it, and considered. With his acting jobs, and school. There was no way to afford it. On the brightside he didn't have to pay for a car.

"Would you like to buy a ring?" The clerk was portly, looking at Asti curiously as the actor brushed his hair back. It seemed like a dull question, 'want to buy something?' No...He just wanted to look. Idiot.

"I need a ring."

"Of course...Anything you like?"

Pursing his lips Asti looked from the rings to the man as he walked along the counter and regarded things. Mm, which one? It took him probably an hour before he finally settled on one. Simple...but perfect.

"That one."

"Ah...its a good one."

"I know..."
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|03:57 am]
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[mood | devious]

Who: Dante & Kieran
Where: Grocery store
When: Saturday evening

Much like a dog, Dante wasn't allowed to sleep on the bed. Even though he was basically keeping Ant off the street, that territory was most definitely not his. It wasn't really that the couch was uncomfortable, it wasn't. In fact, it was probably more comfortable than the bed. However, Dan believed in least he did when it came to annoying someone else.

As the saviour of Ant's living space, he should've had first choice. He hadn't.

Time for a little retribution.

Well, not quite retribution. Dan's idea was a little petty, but that wasn't the point. If Dante couldn't have the bed, nobody could. He just needed to make that clear to Ant.

Dante rubbed his nose and stared at the wall of products in front of him. He just needed a generous sized packet of icing sugar, and then he could be on his way...
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|07:21 pm]
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Who: Valentin and Galen
Where: Their home
When: After the Bar incident.

The ride back to their shared home was quiet, too quiet, so quiet in fact that it was possibly an unnerving experience for both Galen and Mikko who were probably more accustomed to Valentin's bratty penchant for bitching and moaning about anything that had vexed him. One evening after they'd attended a concert that Galen had been dying to see, Valentin had bitched the entire way home about a woman who was a few rows in front of them who kept flailing her arms around and flashing her tits.

Tonight was different. It wasn't the first time Galen had sneaked out, but it was different and the significance of the difference was not lost on him despite his best efforts to put his paranoia aside. High punks that spewed words like "connections"...

What connection? What connection could that man possibly be prattling on about? What?

Once the car turned into the drive and Mikko had turned it off, Valentin jetted out of the car without one word and made haste toward the door. He had things on his mind.
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[Mar. 22nd, 2008|04:28 pm]
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[mood | anxious]

Who: Galen and OPEN
Where: Bar
When: Late Friday Night

Galen didn’t know why he was there, without Val. He’d sort of snuck out too, forgoing all the distractions his lover had given him, and all the reasons to stay in his bed curled up next to a warmth that was unmistakable…and irreplaceable. He did like Val…maybe really love him. He thought he loved Val, but sometimes he wasn’t sure. How were you supposed to know things like that?

But he was here, at the club with the flier and paying off half like the clerk guy had said. He was looking for someone he didn’t have a name off…could barely remember what he looked like. But he and Pasi could remember what he felt like.

Not in the handing hands, or hugs sort of feel. It was more of…presence. A taste of nostalgia and longing because there was something old and ancient and unexplainable. Rational thought couldn’t hold a candle to it because it was all as irrational as having a Goddess living in your head.

Even if it were a true.

Dressed in low-rise black, girl style jeans and a AFI tight tee-shirt. He had a belt, and navy blue and white shoes that were vaguely reminiscent of keds. And the whole look was topped off with a hoodie he’d bought at hot topic the other day, makeup that made him look more like a girl than a boy, and clean…brushed black hair.

The music was loud, and he wrinkled his nose a little, hands stuffed in pockets as he squeezed around hoards of Goths and Rocker all intermingled in a frightening mixture of genre clashing. And he, the lone Emo boy trying to go unnoticed while pitching himself up on toes to stare about the crowd wide-eyed in search of a nameless face.

This was probably one of the most ridiculous things he’d ever done. And this was so not his scene.
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[Mar. 21st, 2008|01:49 pm]
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[mood | chipper]

Who: Drake Howell and OPEN
Where: Starbucks on Capitol Hill
When: Friday, Noon

Drakes hair took about twenty minutes, his makeup…an hour. It was a look, a cultivated persona that no one could possibly deny. People stared, gawked. Old ladies crossed the road in polite neighborhoods to move away from him, and that was all fine…all good. Personally Drake didn’t care. If he worried about caring he’d never get anywhere in life, and that was just a waste of his time. Plus, he had more to worry about when it came to his band and paying rent.

“Drake…” His supervisor all but stalked up to him as he looked up, flicking hair out of his face as he adjusted a fingerless glove that inched half way up his arm. “Drake…you weren’t supposed come to work dressed like that. When I called to ask if you could fill in for Marc, I….” She was flabbergasted.

“Uh, It was my day off…” Like he was going to go home and shower again just because she wanted him to work. He was trying to get the assistant manager slot, yeah, but he lived on the other side of the city. By the time he went home, showered, and came back, he’d have missed an hour and half of work anyway. “Just chill. I’ll make coffee and just not speak anyone.”

He set his camera off to the side, glancing around the hoards of tourist and yuppie businessmen that cast him horrified glances from time to time. He had to hide the smirk as he made his way to the back, and picked up the first order of the night. Hmm, mocha. Such a boring thing.

“Hey, you want to hurry up?” Drake pushed the stem nozzle into the cup as he looked up at the guy.

“What? I can’t hear you!”

The guy grumbled as Drake finished the drink, and all but snatched it away. Heh. Jerk…

“Drake…” He looked up and smiled…a little, “never show up like this again. If I ever call you like this, just tell me you….are trying to be a girl!

I don’t think I heard you, Jamie…what?

She hissed at him a little, moving around him to the register to take another order before pushing him out of the way, telling him to clean or something. It was stupid, but cleaning got him outside. And Outside gave him plenty of things to take pictures of…
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[Mar. 21st, 2008|12:32 pm]
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Where: Fort Meade
Who: Nick and Bea
When: Saturday, March 14'th

Bea snarled under her breath as she grabbed her things for Color Guard practice. They were here at Fort Meade to practice with some of the Marine band here. There were other kids from other schools in the area. She knew Arundel High was here as well as Northeast and some others. She slung her duffle over one shoulder and started out towards where they were all going to meet and warm up before getting down to business today. She'd been halfway there when all of a sudden she'd heard a voice behind her.
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|08:41 pm]
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[mood | cheerful]

Who: Galen and Donnie
Where: Hot Topic
When: Thursday, mid-day

Galen had been poking about Hot Topic for close to an hour when he decided on several items for purchase. Several band tee-shirts, they made excellent wear for raves. Along with a few non-band tee-shirts to mix things up. Probably five shirts all together. He also bought a Tripp Black Gunmetal Black Hoodie. Along with a pair of Tripp Black Pyramid Studded pants too…

And last, but certainly not least, Galen had to bring home a Skelanimals Marcy Monkey Plushie, as it was decidedly too cute not to give a home. And it was the last one on the shelf!

When his phone started to ring, though, with the ever present calling for Galen’s face to pup up at a party, he sighed and wanted to the till. Plopping his stuff on the counter, the black-nailed, make-uped, black-haired, decked out in punk boy started to play with the plushie like a 14 year old boy with no common sense.

At least he was smiling. Brightly.
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|12:34 pm]
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Time. Time was one of those things that made a big difference in this; time enough for the media to forget about it, and move on to drunken celebrity marriages with pandas on bicycles, or whatever else it took to draw their attention. From there, fixing the problem was relatively straightforward; all it took was an expensive lawyer employed by an untraceable corporation to put the right amount of pressure on the right parts of the criminal justice system, shake lightly, and then watch as a would-be murderer just kind of fell out. It all worked much better when the would-be murderer was off the front pages.

Bella wondered just how much explaining Seth would need for that.

Still, Seth was more useful outside than in, which was why Bella was waiting for him to accept her... invitation. Assuming he was kind enough to turn up - and, for that matter, to not simply kill a valuable employee with all kinds of contacts and favours and interesting knowledge about important people, then make a run for it - he should've been arriving at any minute.

Not to mention, it was the perfect opportunity to find out what could so undo so useful a weapon. Seth's limitations were the kind of risk that she'd be much happier knowing about in advance.
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[Mar. 18th, 2008|12:44 pm]
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Who: Peter & Star & Danielle (and whoever else makes sense)
Where: Star's parents' house, out in the D.C. suburbs
When: shortly after Star's return

Peter was bad at waiting. On the plus side, he was good with Danielle, which amazed him. Kids were not normally his thing - of course, kids were not normally born to two reborn gods, and that probably had something to do with it.

It was finally a reasonably sunny day for early spring, so they were out in the yard playing something that had its roots in tag, catch, tickle fights, and made-up rules that came out of Danielle's head.

Except for not knowing where Star was, he was even reasonably happy.
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[Mar. 18th, 2008|11:56 am]
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[Current Location |Union Station, Washington DC]

Who: Diana and anyone
Where: The Fire & Ice in Union Station
When: Tuesday at lunchtime

Diana had decided to have lunch that day down in the food court at the station. Once done wolfing down her food, she'd gone a-wandering, killing time before she had to run back down to the Mall for her next tour. Though why anybody wanted a tour on a chilly, overcast day, Diana had no idea. She found her steps slowing and coming to a stop in front of one of the shops. The window display held a myriad of shiny objects to catch the eye but it was one in particular that held her gaze. It was a stunning amber necklace that tugged at something in her memory. Reminded her of...what? The sensation was disconcerting, like she was seeing the necklace there in the case and on someone's neck at the same time, images overlaid. Or she was seeing it as if from two different perspectives, two people looking at the same thing.

She swayed on her feet, shaking her head, that didn't make sense at all.
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[Mar. 14th, 2008|10:03 am]
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Who: David, Star, Michael
Where: Reagan Airport
When: Late evening

David hadn't been able to turn up hide nor hair of Star. Susan had apparently gotten nothing out of Seth, according to the note she'd left for him. Not long after that, David heard Seth was in jail which was, as far as David was concerned, good riddance. He hadn't spoken to any member of his family at all since his father had ended up in the hospital -- though by now he had been released -- which was also, for the time, good riddance.

He'd thrown himself into his work whenever he wasn't trying to find out what happened to Star, but all of his leads led just about nowhere. No one could tell him anything. At least not until he'd received a cryptic message from Damion telling him to be waiting outside of a certain terminal at the airport at ten 'o clock that night.

Almost, he hadn't showed. But he had no real reason no to. And so here he was, wondering what in hell Damion was up to. David paced, and more than a few airport employees kept throwing odd glances his way. Noticing this, David forced himself to relax and went to lean against a wall, arms crossed, watching the terminal exit for the next group of disembarking passengers to walk through.
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[Mar. 4th, 2008|11:17 pm]
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Who: Dante Price & Akana Bahur
Where: National Mall
When: Tuesday
What: Dan makes a nuisance of himself downtown

Biting into his apple, Dante watched as two old men had an argument about a twenty dollar bill they'd both found. It hadn't been lost in the first place, but they didn't know that. Now the men pushed at each other, each desperate to keep the money to themselves. They were getting a bit of help, of course.

Dante walked along the path, picking the piece of fruit clean as the argument faded out of earshot. One would take it all or they'd rip it. Nobody shared on his watch.

He scanned the area, looking at the people around him. Pickings were certainly slim, but then how many people had time to wander around the National Mall at this hour? Other than tourists, of course, but it was a little cold for them yet.

Oh well. Might as well head back.

Taking a final bite out of his apple, Dante aimed and threw, although he was slightly askew of the bin. One bounce off a woman's head and it hit the bottom of the basket with a soft clunk. Perfect!
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[FYI] - Seth's in the slammer [Feb. 28th, 2008|06:11 pm]
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He wanted to murder someone. Several someones. A lot of someones. Unfortunately, he'd spent several days strapped to a bed in the hospital and sedated while he was getting patched up from his little fight with Anubis. Possibly he shouldn't have given into the temptation to antagonize the jackal so easily but... well, he knew better than to think he wouldn't do it again, given the opportunity. Only the next time he'd do it on his own turf. He wouldn't have been in the hospital even this long, though, if Anubis hadn't used his fucking teeth. Mostly, the hospital flunkies had seemed worried about infection as opposed to any actual injuries -- which hadn't been so terribly bad. Of course, when he'd shown no signs of infection setting in, he'd bee summarily transferred to prison while they figured out what to do with him. His record was longer than his own arm -- and that almost wasn't an exaggeration -- not to mention the part where he was still wanted on a few outstanding charges in various parts of the country. That was going to make getting out...difficult. Even with a good lawyer.

Which he didn't have.

And likely wouldn't get.

They were still stalling him, anyway.

He paced in his cell like any caged animal. At least they'd put him in solitary. At least prison was a place where he could hold his own. It wasn't the other prisoners who bothered him. Being locked up though, that bothered him. Not knowing what happened to his Star, that bothered him. Being jerked around by some monkey from the feds in a bad suit really bothered him.

He growled to himself. Somehow, he was getting out of here. And then there'd be hell to pay.
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[FYI Post] [Feb. 26th, 2008|11:36 am]
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It was too bright. It was far too bright for her eyes, which had been accustomed to darkness for the past few days. She was dressed now, at least, some sort of white dress that was a pretense at modesty. She had been lined up and hosed down, had her hair scrubbed and teased, given treatment by pinched and scornful looking women that she had in the past paid salon artists large sums of money to achieve. The part of her that was still thinking critically, vanishing fast, wondered if she would be able to visit a salon again for a long time after this.

They started to send them out one by one, onto the stage. It was a podium on which she might have sang at one point, in a karaoke bar or at some sort of get-up-and-sing benefit party. What they had them doing in no way resembled a karaoke bar, although it did sort of resemble a benefit auction, if she had been some sort of piece of furniture or antique. As far as she could tell, at least, they weren't required to debase themselves for the amusement or interest of the audience. There was no one wandering around checking their teeth or their muscles; this was higher class than that. The physical screening had, largely, already been done. This was putting a particular image with a person who desired that image. And then it was her turn and the flat hand pushed her roughly in the small of her back and sent her stumbling out.

It was far, far too bright out under the lights, and something kept her from raising her hand to shield her eyes from the glare. The murmur of the crowd was little more than background noise as she stood, one foot cocked up on the ball of her foot to give her hips a slanted and swaying appearance in a pose that was not her own. The bidding started but it was slow, sluggish. She felt something lifting her chest and shoulders, proud and even haughty. It wasn't her own movement, not quite. But there were no hands on her shoulders and she didn't know what was going on.

//This is pathetic.//

The words were muttered to herself, and no one heard them, but she heard them in a language she barely recognized and had no idea she knew. Which would have been alarming a few months ago. It was, perhaps, comforting in a way, that she wasn't alone in this, that she had the backing of a creature that may or may not be divine, but was certainly older and more experienced (and more arrogant) than any member of the audience.

And more short-tempered, evidently. There was a restlessness stirring in her that made her hips sway, made her shift her balance from foot to foot. The scrutiny of the men and a few women wasn't bothering her any longer, but the callous disregard they had for her or any of the women who had come before her was infuriating. And, apparently, a serious problem that had to be dealt with.

//None of you know what you have done, what you have perverted.// Her words rang clear in the room and did stop the talk for a moment, largely because no one could understand what she was saying. //None of you understand what you have taken. You are ignorant, self-important pigs wallowing in the shit you create and calling it gold.// By now they were all silent. The bidding had stopped, no one said a word, no one dared interrupt the tirade. Even if they didn't understand her words they understood, on an instinctive level at least, the magnitude and power of what faced him.

//If this is what the world has been reduced to, it is no wonder, I suppose, that I have slept for thousands of years. If this is what the world has been reduced to, on the other hand, perhaps it is time for us to return. Time that you remembered what it was to have grace walk among you, since you clearly cannot recognize it when it is standing before you. You will have a lesson, then, although you will not reap the benefit of it for long. And perhaps you will serve as a lesson to others, a sign to those who will recognize me for what I am...// And, just before the end, Star felt the strangest sensation of eyes turning back inward on her, as though her own eyeballs had rolled to the back of her head to look at her on the inside. //And a sign to those who should know better that some things are unable to be fought.//

And then, whatever happened, she had no awareness of it.

She wasn't sure what street she was on, or even what city. It was an American city, she knew that much, from the accents and the signs and what was going on around her. But which city, she didn't know. Not one she recognized.

She was wearing a dress, not the white one she'd been in before, and shoes. Apart from a slight stagger to her step and the fact that she had no idea where she was or what she'd been doing a moment ago, she seemed to appear fine. Normal. A surreptitious glance at a newspaper told her she was in Miami. How the hell had she gotten to Miami?

Somehow, she had to get back to DC. It had been... god, it had been almost two weeks since she had been abducted. Her family would be frantic. David would be... she didn't know what David would be, but it would be somewhere between frightened and angry, and most likely towards the side of angry. God knew what Stephen was thinking. She didn't even have the money for a phone call, or...

No. She did. Cash monies in her pocket, and some of them in denominations she barely recognized, let alone... she tried not to let her surprise show as she took her hand and a twenty-dollar bill out of her pocket, heading for a cafe. Food, and drink, and then she would call home, see if anyone was there or listening. And then she would call... someone. She wasn't sure who yet.
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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|09:23 am]
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It wasn't that he was avoiding her. It was that he was trying to figure out what to say. And trying to keep himself avoiding Seth to avoid the inevitable biting off of heads for bringing this shit into his place. The fact that the biting off of heads might have ended up being literal once upon a time and long ago only made it more imperative that he avoid Seth.

He was also trying to figure out whether she would require more explanation for what she had seen and heard, or more explanation for the fact that he had briefly regressed to a more simple time when his teeth and even his mouth had been somewhat longer than they were now, and when biting other people's throats out was a more commonplace thing to do. At least, for him and Seth. More for Seth than him. But that was then and this was now and how the hell was he going to explain this to her?

It was a lot harder to avoid her when he couldn't hide down in the morgue, or at least it had seemed that way. He had been deemed fit to go home, at least physically, but Phil and Dr Mallard had pointed out (probably rightly) that he'd only hurt himself further if he did, and so he was constrained to the hospital for 24 hours For Observation.

Well, and so, after a less than enlightening talk with Galen, he figured he might as well go and observe Caitlin for a while. Also known as lurking.
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