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Tuesday, August 26th, 2003

    Time Event
    Wiping Usernames
    Okay everyone, I've written some new code, and added new cron jobs for the site.

    1. Validation Checking
    - This script checks to make sure that a user has validated their email address within 10 days of account creation. If they have not we assume that this account is not being used. Its status is the set to deleted. This action will NOT delete any of the users data, and it gives them a 30 day grace period in which to set their account back to activated AND validate their email address.

    2. Data Purging
    - This script checks for accounts that have had their status set to deleted for more than 30 days. It then takes those accounts. Removes all posts from their journal, sets all of their comments to Anonymous, and removes any other data (interests, styles, moodthemes, memories, etc.).

    3. Username Reclaiming
    - This script will check for accounts that have been purged for more than 10 days. It will then set there username to an empty value. This will allow that username to be re-used. We have determined this to be safe because all security related settings are refrenced based on your userid (the number assigned to your account) rather than the username. So when the username is re-used the user who now owns the deleted username will not be able to view any protected entries that the old user who previously owned that username was able to view.

    If you didnt understand anything I just typed, you probably have nothing to worry about. Just make sure your email is validated.

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