Dec. 26th, 2011



Theo gave... )

Julien gave... )

Harmony gave... )

Alex gave... )

Nico gave... )

Timothy gave... )

Nov. 15th, 2011


Who: Alfie and Ellie Cattermole
When: Today, before dinner
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Talking, Secrets, Worrying
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

Every time he stopped moving to think about something, he thought about his mum and dad in hiding. )

Sep. 29th, 2011


Owl to Professor Sprout )

Sep. 21st, 2011


Owl to Alfie )

Owl to Ellie )


Deliveries to Ellie & Alfie, ON TIME because Kat woulda gotten it right )

Sep. 20th, 2011


Owl to Alfie )

Owl to Ellie )


Parcel for Ellie Cattermole, delivered by House Elf )


Delivered to Ellie )

Sep. 1st, 2011


When: After the Welcoming Feast
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Drama Badgers care too much about everything.
Rating: variable?
Open/Closed: OPEN to all student Puffs
IC/OOC so go for it!

The mass of students representing Hufflepuff House made their way to the cellars of Hogwarts, to the warren behind the barrels that they would call home for the next year. The prefects and other older students herded the newly-sorted first-years into the room first, and all the rest followed in turn, bringing their excited chatter and laughter with them. For some, however, the mood in the common room was not so cheery...


Who: Anyone going to Hogwarts.
What: The train ride.
Where: Platform 9 3/4 and then the Hogwarts Express
When: September 1st, 11 a.m.
Rating: TBD
Status: IC/OOC, OPEN

The Hogwarts Express leaves Kings Cross Station, London without fail at 11 a.m. on September First. It has done so every year, and will continue to do so, and this bright September morning was no exception. The bustle on the platform as families said goodbye was, perhaps, quieter than usual. More worried. With the rumours and evidence of dark happenings growing stronger every day, a large number of the parents were less happy about sending their children off.

Still, it was Hogwarts, and for many their only option, and so here they were, and what they lacked in good spirits they made up for in tight hugs and words of love, for the most part. Perhaps some felt better because it was Hogwarts, a bastion of safety for centuries, but the worry and trepidation was thick in the air of Platform 9 3/4 as students kissed their parents goodbye and boarded the scarlet train, ready (or not) for another year.

IC/OOC - Open for goodbye scenes on the platform, and anything related to the train ride!

Aug. 12th, 2011


WHO: Ellie and Alfie Cattermole
WHEN: Friday, August 12, 1997 early evening
WHERE: Alfie's room!
WHAT: Twin bonding time!

Twin bonding time! )

Aug. 5th, 2011


Who: Anyone going to Geoff's party
What: Beach Party!
Where: Hooper Residence
When: August 5th
Warnings/Rating: Low
Status: IC/OOC

Beach Party AKA Geoffrey's excuse to look good in front of bikini clad ladies )

February 2012




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