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[Sep. 8th, 2018|01:43 pm]

Just added to the lines wanted post, but thought I would also post here in case anyone here/reading might be interested.

REQUESTED CHARACTER: The family member who is a medical doctor
WANTED BY: The family
SUGGESTED PBs: Absolutely anyone who is old enough to pass as a doctor. Extra bonus if they have played a doctor on TV/in a movie and have icons showing that but that's not a requirement.
DETAILS: For the past four generations (approximately when the family started being intimate with each other), the family has had a medical doctor as a member. They supply birth control, help with other medical issues - even if it's a case of "you'll need to see a specialist rather than me). Slight preference for a biological family member, but an adoptive one is also fine.
CONTACT: Dropbox in either Ashton's journal or [info]cestful
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[Sep. 4th, 2018|09:57 pm]

One more intro, this is Amber Crane, a very old and dear family friend of the Fitzgeralds. She also is the mom of a son with a Fitzgerald man (line sought!), and he raised their child, a son in her bio although I am up for changing that, due to her marriage being salvageable at the time - to the point of two more children, they already had one. Then her husband came out as gay or bi with a heavy male preference, so a few years ago they ended the marriage. It was very amicable. Looking for her Fitzgerald child, maybe the ex who I have another line idea for as well, and her non-Fitzgerald children, though one of them, likely the youngest, may be filled as a triplet line if that comes to pass.

Amber's plans so far are... well, she'll be with Paisley. Also looking for a couple of potential male hook ups - maybe even ones that have happened before? and future ones of the lady persuasion, though she'll want some time to enjoy Paisley first. Would also like to plan for some stuff with her children as they find out about incest, or the one raised by the Fitzgeralds may be more comfortable with her in that context.

Amber is a party and event planner and pretty much makes plans for a lot of the Fitzgerald parties, formal and not. She can whip up a wedding on a day's notice (but it takes longer for really fancy stuff), or plan a shower in a couple of hours and lots of things in between.
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[Sep. 3rd, 2018|11:30 am]

This is Angela Meredith Fitzgerald, one of "John" and "Richard"'s daughters. She's only into men in the family - she tried it once outside the family and the only good thing to come out of it was her twin daughters, but she's still bisexual, though with a very heavy lean to the ladies. She's currently engaged to Juliet Bertrand, and open to all kinds of play with her family. She's a former nanny, currently between jobs although as a Fitzgerald working is optional, and has ended up causing quite a few scandals - a lot of divorces and women leaving their husbands for women, which is why she's a former nanny. But hey, that was how she initially met Juliet, so she doesn't mind that.

I have interest in one of her twins, would love to find the other - currently trying to think of age appropriate pbs who have sufficiently different looks to play the twins as well so suggestions would be welcome.

Also looking for Juliet's daughter, who happens to be Angela's first female lover. I have all the details in the wanted lines post as well, but this is for a rather messy line that will hopefully end up as a femme threesome.
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[Aug. 25th, 2018|04:17 pm]

Hi all, this is Tyler, Hannah's husband, and he's an unrelated Fitzgerald. He and Hannah were always seated together in home room and he wore her down (she would say no wearing down was required). He's a theatrical director and occasional actor, and he loves his family. In any way that might mean. He is still after some more sons. I think that's all for now.
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[Aug. 25th, 2018|12:57 pm]

Such a late intro, but this is Liam, twin to Leah, younger brother to Mickey and Hannah. He's had a difficult life, but is headed into a much happier situation. He's going to fall in love with his daughter, which he never expected, and end up in a committed relationship with her. Obviously secret only to the family, and he'll likely have an outside the family partner or a cousin who may act as a beard as well, depending on how things develop. He will have relationships with others in the family, but his main relationship will be with Madison. He's bisexual/pansexual depending on the label you prefer, but he's kind of just... getting back into things right now, after a nightmare of a marriage.

I also have [info]ashtonfitz, mother to a large part of this huge and diverse family and honestly, she feels like a mother to her in-laws' family as well, though of course some of them have relationships with their own mothers. She definitely sees herself as grandmother to the kids, though. She's also a keeper of the family secret, and does a great deal to make sure the incest angle doesn't come out. It has come close a time or two over the years, but she's always had some other story to break on the occasions it has. She's very family oriented and is training her youngest daughter to take on the role, as well as to manage her publishing company.
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[Aug. 22nd, 2018|01:39 pm]
Introing my girl at last, this is Patricia (but call her Trish) Fitzgerald. She's one of the younger daughters of the two-brother family, and she's engaged to her adoptive cousin, Patrick, as well as having a five-year-old (and maybe another) with him. She also works (and "works") with him and McKinlee.

Can always use things for her. I'd love a regular female partner within the family, maybe one who kind of brought her into the lady loving side, though she's always been open to it. Doesn't have to be a big relationship thing, just someone she can call on when she gets in the mood for pussy rather than cock, or it could develop into more.

Trish is pretty anything goes when it comes to sex, as long as it doesn't hit her few limits.
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[Aug. 20th, 2018|11:19 pm]
Working on bringing in Leah Fitzgerald here as Liam's twin. Would love some lines/etc/whatever for her, to see if I can spark some background info!
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[Aug. 19th, 2018|07:48 pm]

hey everyone!

i commented in the big post, but i think it got lost.

i'm looking to bring in this alexis ren pb. she doesn't have a family and i'm not sure where to put her where i wouldn't be stepping on toes? is there anyone who is looking for a daughter in the 18-23 age range. irl she's 21 so anywhere close to that is okay in my book!

i'm thinking maybe she moved away at 17/18 when she graduated high school and is coming back after a boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with her? she's very open and free spirited which is why she decided to just up and move away, but she loves her family, and is happy to be back.

any and all lines will be loved and appreciated at this point so i can get her together and get her in the game!
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Introduce your characters! [Aug. 20th, 2018|11:30 am]

In the comments to this post, please post an intro to your characters or a link to an already posted public intro post. I've had a few queries about how the families are put together! Also there is a family post here and I am keeping it as updated as possible.

Please note, this post is public, for me to point interested players to.
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[Aug. 18th, 2018|09:36 am]

Hello all.

I am looking to bring in Jenna Dewan as the Andy's fiance. I don't have her bio nailed down just yet but i am thinking she might do something with real estate or hospitality. I am leaning toward owning a business of some sort. I think she's not going to be a native of Vermont maybe Texas. I think she's from a law enforcement family so Andy being a cop does not bother her. Her brothers and father are Texas rangers or police officers back in Texas.
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[Aug. 17th, 2018|09:18 pm]

Hey you guuuuuys! This is the oldest son in the first family and everyone's favorite Uncle.

That is what he strives to be since he cannot have kids of his own due to low sperm count from his past with drugs. Whether they're from the first family or second family, he treats every niece and nephew like they were his own children by spoiling them and giving them all kinds of love. He equally loves the older generation, of course! He has enough love to go around for everyone both male and female.

He is very limited when it comes to what he won't do sexually because he has a tiiiiny bit of a sex addiction. He says it's not a problem at all haha.
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[Aug. 14th, 2018|10:16 pm]

Hello all! This is Andy, but he's been here before. I've cleaned up his bio to give him a clean slate. Anyone in need of a husband or lover? He's 50, but I can down his age to 45 if preferred. He's a Detective in the area and enjoys flings during stake-outs.

Open to Daddy/Daughter, Daddy/Son, and would be open to having a relationship with his sister.

Open to many other lines, so hit me up.

I also have a Dominic Cooper PB and a Tom Hardy PB, if there is any need for them.

Have I mentioned that I miss you all, those that are still around, and looking forward to writing with my new friends.
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[Aug. 14th, 2018|10:19 am]

Am I the first? Okay. I'll go first.

I'd love a line and for Glory to be part of a family!! There are no wanted so I am unsure where to start. I've had imaginings of something going on with an Uncle but I am all about plotting and brainstorming.

Dying for someone in her life she is very close to that is gruff and tough. They'd challenge each other. Like a bad boy type she's constantly baiting.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Glory is completely free-spirited, stubborn, reckless and rebellious.
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