Aug. 8th, 2007


HP fic: In/Sight [Harry/Draco, adult]

Title: In/Sight
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Percy/Oliver, former Harry/Percy
Rating: adult
Warnings: Explicit sex, but nothing that requires a special warning.
Summary: Harry keeps coming by junior minister Weasley's office... but is it really just to have lunch with his ex?
Word Count: ~10,200
Notes: Written for [info]pushdragon at the [info]hd_holidays Last Hurrah fest. I couldn't manage to work anything like all the possible elements suggested here, but a fair few are present for this last hurrah at Harry/Draco before the boys are doomed! Originally posted here.

In/Sight )


HP fic: Pass on Good Advice [Percy/Oliver, adult]

Title: Pass on Good Advice
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Oliver/Percy
Rating: adult
Summary: Molly has always said that couples should have interests in common.
Note: Teenyfic (350 words) written for [info]inkgeist, at the request of [info]schemingreader, who suggested Percy/Oliver, prompt "shared interests," and requested smut if possible. The title is from a line spoken by Lord Goring in An Ideal Husband: "My father always tells me to go to bed, so I don't see why I shouldn't give you the same advice. I always pass on good advice. It is the only sensible thing to do with it."

Pass on Good Advice )


HP fic: Dream to Life [Oliver/Percy, adult]

Title: Dream to Life
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Oliver/Percy
Rating: adult
Warnings: first time
Summary: Oliver listens, Oliver watches, and eventually Oliver gets what he's imagined.
Note: Written for [info]hp_springsmut for [info]nqdonne, who had many great possibilities in her request... so here there is voyeurism, hand jobs, frottage, a wee bit of angry banter and dirty talk, and a first time encounter, all wrapped up as missing canon from CoS. Originally posted here.

Dream to Life )

June 2018




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